I had possibly the soggiest instant ramen in the history of ever for lunch. I perpared it, left it on the kitchen table, went to go check my mail, became engrossed in an article in a magazine and finally remembered it about 20 minutes later. I was too lazy to make something else and ick, waste of food, so I slurped in mushy semi-contentment.
Work was fun - they just installed new scanners and apparently that means big changes: it's recomended that we actually scan individual multiples instead of using the 'Quantity' key - a hell of a lot more work and guaranteed to make everyone's ringtime plunge. Oh well. At least they actually work, unlike the old ones.
I'm taking my mother to see At World's End on Saturday night, after work. Apparently I missed a scene after the credits the first time I saw it and I'm looking forward to that. Must also remember not to drink anything this time.
I'll hopefully be posting fic in a few days, but here's proof that I did more than repeatedly hit the F5 key yesterday. :D
[20] Ace wo Nerae [20] Ookiku Furikabutte
Ace wo Nerae (Episodes 5-9)
Ookiku Furikabutte (Episodes 1-3)
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