Mar 29, 2005 07:01
ACLU (my kind of interest group)
The American Civil Liberities
American Civil Liberties Union
Protects freedoms. speech, association, assembly, press, religion. separation of church and state. equal protection under the law, regardless of race, sex, religion, or nationality. due process of law. privacy rights. (the bill of rights, plus 13th, 14th, 15th amend.s)
400, 000 members. founded in 1920, (first public-interest law firm) by Roger Baldwin, Crystal Eastman, and Albert Desilver
Founded because: anti-war activists were in jail, foreign-born people were deported if suspected of political radicalism, races were segregated, and violence against African Americans was accepted by the government and society, male and female standards prevented women from gaining rights through sexual discrimination (right to vote gained in august of 1920), and constitutional rights for minority groups such as the poor or homosexuals were unheard of.
Since it’s founding, the ACLU has served as a major catalyst in civil rights victories. ACLU has been imperative in most of the defining civil rights cases of the past century, including the Palmer raids of 1920, the Scopes case of 1925, the Ulysses case of 1933, the “Boss” Hague case of 1939, the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case, the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton cases of 1973, the 1981 case on teaching “Creationist Science” Arkansas, the Romer v. Evans case of 1996, and the ACLU v. Reno case of 1997. The ACLU also supported civil rights in other examples throughout the century, denouncing the 1940’s Japaneese internment movement, initiated court cases against the loyalty oaths of the red scare, supported the civil rights movement of the 1960’s, fought against an amendment to the constitution which would
Yes, they rate congress (kohl 78, feingold 89, obey 74, kind 70)
Yes, they lobby congress, extensively.
current important issues include:
Campaign finance, data privacy, education reform, fair housing, free speech, criminal justice, religious liberty, rights of minorities, poor, women, and and free (refraining from infringing on personal rights for the “safety of the nation” patriot act), sexual orientation, voting rights. (This includes, interestingly enough, protection of the American Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, and the Nation of Islam)
criminal justice, death penalty, disability rights, drug policy, free speech, HIV/AIDS, immigrant rights, international human rights, lesbian and gay rights, national security, police practices, prisons, privacy and technology, racial justice, religious liberty, reproductive freedom, rights of the poor, youth rights, voting rights, women’s rights, safe and free (refraining from infringing on personal rights for the “safety of the nation” patriot act)