Sharing thoughts and communicating

Sep 12, 2015 20:36

Therapy project, season 2.

I can't decide if I actually want to Share Opinions or just narrate my week. I also can't figure out why I don't find it easy to burble on about whatever anymore. My wife said it's because she's an opinion vampire - if I have an opinion or thought, I just tell her and feel like communication has been achieved to everyone's satisfaction. That doesn't help with my feelings of loss (of community), though. Or, obviously, my tendency to withdraw into the nest.


Life news: we moved to another flat. Lived in the old one for ten years, which is the longest I've ever lived in one place in my entire life. Milestone, etc. The new place is in a place that's a rent-controlled housing project (what Finns call betonilähiö), but very well kept with tidy greenery and clean public areas. It offers janitorial services on-site, which is so rare and special in these outsourced days. If something is broken here, you just call or submit a form on the website and a guy who works full time right here comes over and fixes it! Amazing.

One downside is we moved right into the middle of a facade renovation. They're almost done with our building, but it's still been a month of 7.30 am drilling and yelling and guys clomping around outside the (taped-over) windows. There was actually another, slightly smaller, flat available in one of the other buildings, and now I'm very grateful we did not pick that one. The construction hasn't even begun in that one, and when it does, it'll be four full months of this.

[long break to research urban housing, ending on an article about Cidade de Deus...]

We now have an extra bedroom, which means our home no longer looks like a storage area for unwanted furniture. Also at some hypothetical future stage, friends or family may sleep over. We never have people over, but if we wanted to, we totally could now.

Also now my plants don't look like they're battling for space... quite as much as before.

Now we're no longer walking distance from downtown, though, but there are buses. I can bike to work, although now there's a bridge in the middle of the ride and I always arrive sweaty and gross. But winter is coming, and then I'll just take the bus.

The less said about work, the better.

We went to see The Man from U.N.C.L.E. and it was a good time, although Henry Cavill looks SO MUCH like Matt Bomer on steroids that a few days after seeing the film, whenever I try to recall a scene or picture the characters, I just see Neal from White Collar. Reading fanfic, I'm all 'Neal/Illya, all right'. Sorry about your life, Henry Cavill. It didn't help that the film essentially was a Neal Caffrey Sixties Spy AU. (We don't know where they got Illya's characterisation - definitely not the original series. Who has Angsty Russian Rage Giants?)

Also watched: Hannibal season 3. None of it made a single lick of sense, and it was hilariously entertaining. I don't know if it was GOOD, but it was definitely deliberately whatever it was. "It's baroque!" we'd yell at regular intervals. "So baroque. Look at this baroqueness."

Hugh Dancy's face is ridiculous.

I remember watching some other shows and thinking, 'oh, I could Share My Thoughts on this!' and then never doing it. Hemlock Grove s1 (thoughts about violent women doing violence on women, and the racist Roma stereotypes vs actually having several Roma characters with, idk, characterisation), Sense8, True Detective (ahahhaha and also jeez and wtf. time is a flat circle, Colin Farrell's mustache, Rachel McAdams), Mr Robot. Broadchurch, which sent me on a quest to find more in-depth cop shows but just gave me Silent Witness, which is the opposite. Then in fact watched almost all of Silent Witness, which started out fine and then descended into abject badfic. Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (and then I read the book AFTER, ha ha), Bates Motel (because I love Freddie Highmore and Vera Farmiga and creepy incestuous overtones).
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