stuff and things

Dec 16, 2014 20:43

Spent the day printing invoices, which was a way cheerier pastime than call centre drudgery.

I have a job these days, and it is in a call centre. I veer between intense loathing and sullen acceptance, but it's a job and jobs are hard to come by these days. I got it because I'm Swedish-speaking and... nah, just because of that, really. It's customer service for a Swedish company, and school Swedish is not enough to navigate Southern accents.

At least I don't have to do outbound calls...

...I was still saying last week, and then they roped me into doing some kind of horrible survey, so I guess nothing is true.

I can't decide if this is more or less soul-crushing than my previous job at an assembly line. I have a computer and a cubicle and it's clean and I don't have a dress code or uniform. On the other hand, there's a good amount of bullshit I have to put up with and it's 10€/h and a crappy CBA (at least the phone assembly job was backed by a powerful union [which is how I could afford being unemployed for two years... mmh, severance package]).

Anyway. The charity org I interned for last year asked me to help them with their invoice printing issues, so I took a day off my real job to do that out of the goodness of my heart and also because they paid me.

Because of my success at printing 2600 pages, I felt pretty chipper today. I got to go home at 3pm, which was great because I saw a glimpse of blue sky (no sun, though; maybe there is no such thing anymore).

Nice things: printing success. Nap. Reading Lewis fic. Toast.
Bad thoughts: "probably won't feel chipper tomorrow because everything sucks"
Today's grade: 5


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