Conversation, my head, Adam Lambert, Dave Mustaine, Johnny Weir, Adam, Lady Gaga, Adam, work, Adam

Feb 26, 2010 04:31

First, a conversation from today.

wax_jism: I have a horrible headache. I don't like that.
cimness: I'm not surprised.
wax_jism: Why?
cimness: Because horrible headaches are not popular things to have.
wax_jism: Oh, I see, it wasn't the headache - the surprise wasn't the headache - the surprise wasn't over - the lack of surprise wasn't over the horrible headache, it was over the - why are you laughing?
cimness: I love these little conversations that we have.

I do have a terrible headache, though. I'm trying to work through it by looking at pictures of Adam Lambert.

If you click on that shit it gets REALLY BIG, and you can join me in counting the freckles on his arms. I'm a little sad that he seems to think being ginger is incompatible with being rock 'n roll. I'm sure Dave Mustaine would like to punch him in the face over that one, but on the other hand, LOL DAVE MUSTAINE. Remind me of other ginger rock stars. Axl Rose is pretty ginger, I guess, and never did he remind anyone of Opie.

Other, not quite so shelter-puppy-eyed pictures below the cut.

He gives great eye. And face. Momentarily forgetting that he's supposed to be projecting 'vulnerable'... Ah, there you go.

These pics make me really want some proper HQ shots from the FYE video, though. That crazy leather trench and pimp cane and CORSET situation. The shoulder-spiky Blonds jacket that I cannot find a picture of right now because my Adam folder is a total clusterfuck that I need to deal with at some hypothetical later stage. Right now I just drop shit in there and then never find it again. I remember my well-organised MCR folder and weep. Adam's generated as much content in eight months as MCR did in two and a half years, though. Adamstorm, indeed.

It's entirely possible that I already have some nice HQ shots from the FYE video and they're just lost in the flotsam and jetsam of /pics/aaaadam.

But speaking of Blonds!

Now he is ready to kill. Or scratch his back.

In other celebrity news, everyone is talking about Johnny Weir and homophobia in skating (which I'd never heard about as a phenomenon but does not come as a surprise to me at all), and of course they had to ask Adam, Also Gay, about it. Adam was mostly like 'who?' though. All gay people don't know all the other gay people. Even if Johnny's bff with Lady Gaga (that probably means Adam will eventually make friends with him).

Speaking of Lady Gaga, how about that Q magazine cover!

Meanwhile, the less said about my job, the better, but let me just complain about this week for a second: It goes nothing on Monday, night shift on Tuesday, evening shift on Wednesday, nothing on Thursday and Friday, night shift on Saturday, nothing on Sunday and then back to evening on Monday. In what universe is that even close to sane or healthy? My belief is that they're trying to get everyone to just quit in frustration and thus nobody will be left to fire.

I'm hungry. I have my period. Finland is covered in a ton of snow. A small cat is sleeping on my lap. Only one of these things is a good thing!

I love a man with a strong profile. And a spiky doily around his wrist.
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