Minutia and secundia

Oct 23, 2008 21:15

Accidentally slept all day. Now forcing mslf t s vwls. Vowels. Vowels. Vowels.

Basically my head feels a little cottony.

Cim has a picture folder slideshow screensaver and it just gave me like five pictures of me making stupid Brendon Urie faces.

The other day I had a long conversation with this dude in my carpool about song lyrics. He's always baffled that I notice song lyrics. I'm baffled that he doesn't.

Song lyrics: I think about them.

The other other day we went to Helsinki and saw Emilie Autumn at Tavastia. I'm not a giant fan myself, but it was a good show and even though it was two hours it didn't feel like too much. Then Cim queued for another hour and a half to get her CD inset signed by the lady herself while I waited around. A couple of distressed Asian parents were running around looking for their wayward Emilie-loving daughter who was somewhere in the gaggle of dressed-up teenies around the m&g tables. The mother asked me how many girls in the troupe. Five-ish, plus Emilie. "And they all... sign? In order?" she wailed. Tough deal if you're not into burlesque.

The next day we went to this store that sells American and British snack foods for jonesing expats and Cim procured the right kidn of chips and cookies, and I procured poptarts, my favourite gross American snack ever! In fact I think I'll have some now!

I did the dishes before I ate anything this mo-- uh, aft-- uh, evening, and when I was done I was all shaky. Because I'm a fool. That was a lot of dishes, too.

My cat is snoring. Also I didn't think I had any calluses left, but I guess I did cause they all just came off as my fingers are de-pruning. This probably means I should practice the guitar a little bit.
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