In our home

Sep 28, 2008 14:16

I slept eighteen hours.

I'm translating more annoying Dell websites.

I'm in the kitchen, and Cim is in the livingroom watching Project Runway and talking to it. A cat snoozes on Gleeb, the Little Monitor That Could. It's a sunny day.

Yesterday my mother came by and gave us a bag of apples and a bag of wholegrain rolls. A large bag of rolls. We had to put them in the freezer.

This month I have somehow made as much moolah on translating as I have on my full-time job. The downside being that I have had no time to do anything else at all. Oh, except reading comics. A lot of comics. One day I'll post about what I've been reading, and also my thoughts on yaoi them. Let me just briefly say that I watched the Watchmen trailer like fifteen times yesterday and felt kind of excited.

Also watched the I Don't Care video and found everyone involved attractive. That was one good-lookin' video. Pete looked less like a mischievous monkey and more like a hot dude (although still mischievous). Patrick really rocked that coat, even though it covered every part of him like armour.

Since I have, in the course of my translation work, been dividing my time between three different computers, I have missed/mislaid/forgotten a lot of potentially interesting/pretty/exciting/important stuff. My life is so complicated.

On the occasions that I've frequented the Sole Comic Book Store in Turku (that I know of, anyway), I have chatted a bit with the owner, a funny little moustachioed dude who ignores you until you Talk To Him About Comics, and he's even ordered some stuff that I mentioned. I have yet to dredge up the courage to suggest he order The Umbrella Academy. I don't know, it makes me feel Invalid to have got into comics by way of a rockstar crush, even though it's a totally awesome comic in its own right. This is my own personal shame, although I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who suffers it.

I still haven't bought the UA trade, though, because I'm waiting for the Supercalifragilistic Special Luxury Awesomeness Edition. Or whatever, it's black with an umbrella on it, it looks totally Ultimate.

In conclusion: Mikeyway is still my boy, and I would post a picture but I don't have any on this computer. That comic he's writing better be awesome. Don't let me down, Mikeyway.
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