Jul 09, 2008 23:14

My life, let us recap what is going on in it...

1. I promised my mother to clean and paint her attic. Status: a mess.

2. I have signed up to do freelance translation for this online place. So far I've made 65 €. Now I have a Big Fucking Project that is due in eight days and I can't get the translation software to work. Status: FUBAR and ticking.

3. I have applied for a couple tech support jobs. One of the places offered me a spot, but it's in Vasa (200 miles north from here), and the pay isn't good enough that it would be strictly worth it. However, it's potentially where the Princess would have to go to school if she wants to do what she thinks she wants to do. But now is not the time, basically. Another place which is in Turku just asked me to an interview. I'm kind of flipping out about it because I don't even have any grown up clothes and first and foremost I don't actually know anything about tech support. Status: La la la laaaa.

4. Stuff we need consistently cost more than available funds. Blah. Status: microwave procured, monitor and RAM still but a distant dream.

5. On Friday I also have an appointment with a shrink (of course it was at the same time as the job interview, OBVIOUSLY, but I managed to push the interview with half an hour so it's technically possible to pull off...) and before that I have to fill in this life history questionnaire for psychotherapy. Status: I'll have to do it in my sleep, I think.

6. Also! Awesome to go straight from the shrink to the job interview! I mean, not like talking to a shrink is ever emotionally draining or anything. Not like you need to be at your sharpest at a job interview or anything. AWESOME D00DZ. Status: my life so hard.

7. Oh, yeah, a funny anecdote from my life: On Monday morning I took Lily to the vet, right. I decided not to bring a carrier because she is a good little cat. I just put a leash on and brought a canvas bag in case she got sick of looking around. She was really really good. The vet prescribed antibiotics and took a conveniently expunged snot sample (she started sneezing as soon as I put her on the table, so there was yellow goop everywhere) and charged my ass 91 €. Thanks and goodbye. Then I put my cat in the bag and took the bus back. She was good again and basically went to sleep in the bag like it wasn't no thang, so I was like, now I can nip by the store and buy some tea and cheese and whatever, and no one will be the wiser. So I went and then when I was crouching down to pick a box of tea off the lowest shelf, a muscle in my thigh went SPROINGGG and I was stabbed with hot burny pain STABSTABSTAB. Now I don't know if y'all remember but I pass out from pain. That's how I roll. Pain-->unconsciousness. So there I am in the middle of the store with a SECRET CAT IN A BAG, balancing a carton of milk, a bag of bread, 500g of cheese and a box of tea with my purse and the catbag, and my vision is going grey and my ears are locking and my hands and feet are going numb... With strength I did not know I had, I stagger to my feet and somehow make it to the checkout, pay for my shit (without actually seeing the dotted line on the receipt, i just kinda scrawled something there) and start bagging it. At that point I have to put my head down or keel over right there, so I like, pretend to futz around with my bags (I can't crouch down because my leg hurts like fire). Of course then Lily wakes up and pops her cute little head out all OHAI I IZ BAGKITTEH, and this little kid waiting for her mom to finish bagging goes 0.0 !!!. I would have LoLed, but I was too busy trying not to fall on my face and make a huge hullaballoo (I mean, I could have just lain down, obviously, and ridden out the dizziness--but then someone would have called an ambulance and that is the kind of embarrassing I don't want to deal with, and also a huge bother. Been there done that wasn't too into it.) Anyway, finally the black billowing sheets in front of my eyes kind of go away a little bit so I manage to get out of the store and walk down the thirty yards down the street to our house and open the door and then I lie down on the floor in the lobby and call Cim to ask her to get out of bed and come get my dizzy ass home. At least I have the presence of mind somewhere in there to grab Lily's leash before she goes exploring. Status: that's a massive paragraph. But my leg feels better, and Lily is a little angel at taking her medication. So pretty good.

So, yeah, how are YOU doing? Do I need to post a picture of Mikeyway to bring down the Woe Is Me Quota on this post a little? I don't know, but I'll do it anyway.

Hi, war is kinda fun on a sunny day!

Stop the world I wanna get off?

Excited Mikey is excited. See how the sides of his mouth have moved a teensy bit upward? But he's just putting it on, he loves Ultragrrrl and if there weren't any cameras around he'd be smiling like a fool. Maybe.

Whoah cowboy, tone it down, you're gonna split the top of your head clean off.


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