Aug 17, 2005 10:47 I'm going to New Mexico for a week.
I picked up my schedule and got stuck with beginning Art. That's one of those filler classes. When you accomplished everything you possibly could at that school and have no more classes to take. Then I got a fourth year of science and a third year of spanish. I don't see why I can't just go to school late, or leave school early. I'm getting rid of art anyhow. Looks like I'll be an aide this year and I'm pretty sure ya'll know who I'm going to aide. I don't think i'll be very successful changing out of my spanish and physics class. Especially if the reason for switching out is laziness. Not sure what I would switch to anyways. I actually sorta wanted to take art this year, but not more than having a free period (aide). I'd get out of spanish for an art class. Whatever, who cares. I have the AP classes, and government honors. Interact is going to rawk this year. At least I hope so. Fanny bes' join, and Jonathon, and Aracely, and Ellie, and Lacey, and Anthony. I'm going to be the oldest member!? Weird...last year I was the youngest.
The Stranger
Murder in the Cathedral
The Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Book Reports
Government Homework 1 2 3 Essay
Hopefully I finish all the summer homework by Monday. I should. I'm always behind but always seem to finish. Plus I think Reyna is coming over today to do her homework with me.
Oh, I'm not actually going to New Mexico.