Title: Meme
Characters: River Tam, Luna Lovegood, Ellie McLeod, Josiah Blakney, and Munyia
Rating: G
Genre: Parody/Crack
Warnings: um, crack
Word Count: 1,500
Summary: A meme that I found on DeviantArt that turned into madness.
Notes: A fun experinece, especially with 1 loony person and 1 crazy person.
Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me and I make no money off of them, etc, EXCEPT Ellie McLeod, Josiah Blakney, and Munyia - they do belong to me, are my own creations, and, therefore, are copyright to me. Any use, personal or commercial, is against the law... and will make me ANGRY.
1).Pick your FCs/OCs
2).Fill in the questions/statements as if you were your FC/OC
3).Tag 3 people at the end of the quiz
Ellie McLeod,
Josiah Blakney,
Munyia (you can see another meme with Munyia in it
River Tam,
Luna Lovegood (another meme with River
1. What is your name?
Ellie: "Ellie McLeod, pleased ta'meetcha!"
Josiah: *elbows Ellie lightly* "What is up? I'm Josiah, but you already knew that."
Munyia: (If you're male, she bows low from the waist; if you're female, she bows from the waist then kisses you lightly on each cheek.) "I am Lady Munyia al-Hajj bin-Fahim and I am most honored to become acquainted with your most excellentness."
Luna: *pats Munyia on the arm* "I do believe this girl suffers from a deficiency of rudworms. I'm Luna," *mutters* "not Looney."
River: "Names are inconsequential in the fading black." *awkward pause, then she rolls her eyes* "My brother would insist that manners dictate that I intruouce myself as River Tam. Though the Captain would chastise for revealing our secrets..."
2. Any unique traits and powers you have?
Luna: "Magic is not unique in my family; but I was bitten by a garden gnome once, and who knows what good fortune will develop out of that?"
Ellie: "Not terribly unique in my world; but I can do magic. Only my big brother, Patrick, and myself can do magic in the family."
Josiah: "Magic; along with everyone else at Hogwarts."
River: "I can kill you with my brain."
Munyia: *stares*
3. Are you engaged, have any lovers?
Josiah: "Me and the ladies get along just fine, but no one special." *wink-wink*
Luna: "I have been 'paired' with many people, but I'm not entirely sure what that means. I shall investigate further."
Munyia: "No, and it's staying that way, until I decided to do something about it."
River: "Simon and I would make a lovely couple, especially since I am in the family way."
Ellie: "Haven't the time yet. Friends are better, anyways."
4. What are your goals?
Ellie: "'Same thing we do every night, Pinky: Try to take over the world!!' What? No one else here watches Muggle tele!?"
Luna: "To discover 18 previously unknown magical creatures and publis a book of their habitats, behaviors, and family groups!! And survive the War."
Munyia: "Run away from the overbearing males in my family and start a new life in a new land. Nothing much."
River: "Personal interests, while entertaining for a time, only hinder the brain and cause toes to go numb."
Josiah: *still thinking about the ladies*
5. Any Hobbies?
Luna: "Reading, discovering new species, DA, exploring..."
Munyia: "Reading banned books and doing my sisters' makeup in secret."
Ellie: "Let's see, I'm in Dueling Club, Charms Club, Herbology Club, and Care of Magical Creatures Club; I'm in the school play, the Hufflepuff Qudittich team and I still have time for my friends."
Josiah: "I'm in the Dueling Club, the Gryffindor Qudditch team, and I got talked into the school play."
River: "I learned everything already." *rolls eyes*
6. Any friends?
Ellie: "Loads!"
Josiah: "Even more.... but no one's really close."
Munyia: "I'm new here, but that cab driver was very nice."
River: "Water has become blood."
Luna: "I'm lucky to have many, dear friends: Ginny, Neville, Hermione, Ron, and Harry!"
7. Do YOU like waffles!?
Ellie: "Yes, yum!"
Josiah: "Is that some Muggle food?"
Luna: "Is it? I am most curious."
Munyia: "Is that some American food?"
River: "Waffles: a sweet, pancake-like food often served with syrup, butter, or powdered sugar on Earth-That-Was.......... No."
8. Any particular foes and/or enemies?
Josiah: "Ellie doesn't like me much."
Ellie: "I'm flattered you noticed."
Munyia: "My father and brothers are not my enemies,though society's rules dictate that they must be."
River: "Everyone and no one."
Luna: "Only the Dark Lord and his followers."
9. What is your favorite place to be?
Luna: "Hogwarts."
Josiah: "Hogwarts."
Eliie: "Home and Hogwarts."
River: "Serenity is home."
Munyia: "I don't know yet; somewhere where I feel safe."
10. What is your least favorite place to be?
River: *sobs hysterically*
Luna: "wraps her arms around River* "What a horrible question! What horrible beast possessed you to make you ask it?"
Ellie: *glares* "You're not very nice."
Munyia: *thinks a moment* "Home..."
Josiah: "Well, you've opened a can of worms, haven't you. Now you've left me to deal with all these hysterical ladies!"
11. How old are you?
Josiah: "Seventeen."
Ellie: "Sixteen."
Luna: "Seventeen."
Munyia: "Eighteen."
River: "6,374 days old."
12. Any bad habits you may have?
River: *sticks out her tongue*
Ellie: "I bit my nails, have trouble sitting still, and make funny faces when I'm concentrating."
Luna: "Hermione says I'm too illogical at times, and Ginny called me a pushover the other day."
Munyia: "I worry too much."
Josiah: "None whatsoever."
13. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?
Josiah: "Pshht. Don't really need it, do I?"
Ellie: "A million dollars? Help my family first... then have some fun!"
Munyia: "I gave that all up when I left home. It would be nice to be able to have some comforts in my new life, however."
Luna: "Travel expenses and research, most likely. And presents!"
River: "She would buy ice planets. But Simon would take it and be wise and she would pout!"
14. Eye color?
Ellie: "Very dark grey."
Luna: "Silvery-grey."
Josiah: "Hazel."
Munyia: "Dark brown, the color of the mountains at twilight."
River: "Mud smells." *wrinkles nose*
15. What are you wearing?
River: *rolls eyes* "Clothes. Such a boob."
Luna: "Rainbow socks, plaid skirt, Hogwarts sweater, black shirt with sequins, orange fingerless gloves, a headband with cat ears, and radish earrings to complete the ensemble!"
Josiah: "Hogwarts uniform in RED and GOLD!! Go team!!"
Ellie: *elbows Josiah hard* "YELLOW and BLACK Hogwarts uniform!!"
Munyia: "Floor-length skirt, conservative sweater, and scarf."
16. What religion are you?
Ellie: "Protestant."
Josiah: "Catholic."
Luna: "That must be why they dislike each other... that or scokrgipps!"
River: "Nietzsche is dead."
Munyia: "Muslim."
17. What is you favorite food/drink?
Ellie: "Stew, bread, and fish."
Munyia: "Fresh kebabs!"
Luna: "Food is only substantive."
River: "Kaylee loves strawberries."
Josiah: "A lightly-braised salmon with a truffle glaze over a fresh Mediterranean salad."
18. What animal do you think you're based off?
Josiah: "Coyote."
Ellie: "Albatross."
Luna: "Hare."
Munyia: "Gazelle."
River: "Albatross." ((interesting....))
19. Anyone you look up to?
River: "Simon, Captain..."
Ellie: "My parents!" *squee!*
Luna: "My friends!!" *grabs Ellie and they squee and jump together*
Josiah: *rolls eyes* "My father."
Munyia: "Um... No one yet."
20. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
Luna: "Straight, though some argue differently." *shrugs*
Josiah: "I love me some ladies!"
Ellie: "Gross. I'm straight."
River: "She is not sly."
Munyia: "Homosexuality is a sin against Allah!! I would be stoned!!"
21. Got any fan girls/fan boys?
Luna: "Most everyone likes me, but I'm usually an afterthought."
Josiah: "I'm an OC in a RP for Harry Potter. Technically, I'm the fanboy."
Ellie: "Same here, but I'm a fangirl."
Munyia: "Someday, perhaps."
River: "The fourth wall was never meant to be broken. A house cannot stand crumbled!"
22. What color is your hair?
Luna: "Long, dirty blonde."
Josiah: "Short, dirty blond."
Ellie: "Medium brown with big curls." ((just realized that my player body is Summer Glau and River is played by Summer Glau and I'm doing an meme with the 2 of them in it. She just the icons and stuff, I don't picture Summer Glau in my head, but I'm a dork. *headsmack!*))
River: "Brown ocean's waves. Tangled seaweed."
Munyia: "Long and black."
23. If you could change the world, what would you change about it?
Munyia: "Say it with me, 'TREAT WOMEN AS EQUALS!!! TREAT WOMEN AS EQUALS!!!!!'"
Ellie: "The world's just dandy!"
Luna: "More people would see with their hearts, and not be blinded by their eyes."
River: "Light the dark."
Josiah: "Meh..."
24. Did you by chance kill anyone!?
Luna: "Doubtful, though I may have wounded a Death Eater or two."
Munyia: "Murder is a sin!"
Josiah: "Nope!"
Eliie: "Never!"
River: "Weren't people anymore; only wanted to kill, but death found them first."
25. Have you hurt anyone before, physically/emotionally?
Ellie: "My brothers and sisters and I fight all the time."
Josiah: "I don't hurt anyone and no one hurts me."
Munyia: *sigh* "I must have broken my family's hearts when I ran away."
Luna: "Yes, but I took no pleasure in it."
River: "Simon would be good without her. She brings only pain and sorrow until the black will swallow her up too."
26. Any family members?
Luna: "Just my father and I."
Josiah: "Me too! Just my father, myself, and a houseful of servants."
River: "Simon is brother; Serenity is mother; Captain is daddy; Kaylee is sister; Wash and Zoe and Inara are uncle and aunts; Book is grandfather; and Jayne is a girl's name."
Munyia: " Both my parents are living and a have many brothers and sisters."
Ellie: "Let's see; there's mom and dad, then Robert, Lizzie, Patrick, (then me!), and Susannah, Brett, and Tyree! We're a large family."
27. Where do you currently live?
Luna, Ellie, & Josiah: "Hogwarts!!"
Munyia: "New York City, but please don't tell my father or brothers!."
River: "Where darkness ends and night begins and only a small star lights the way."
28. Are you a virgin by chance?
Josiah: "With all those mad ladies hanging around, not likey.... but yes."
Ellie: *blush* "Yes."
Luna: "Yes."
Munyia: "Of course, pre-mariatial relations is a sin!"
River: "They took her innocence, but she is a strong tower that only a prince can climb."
29. Any fantasies you would like to share?
Luna: *blush*
Ellie: *flush*
Josiah: "Wouldn't you like to know!?" *wiggles eyebrows suggestively*
River: "Her reality is a fantasy."
Munyia: "I don't even know what you are talking about!"
30. Any disturbing thoughts?
River: "Only a head-full..."
Munyia: "It does no good to dwell on the past."
Luna: "I agree."
Josiah: "I don't know what you're talking about."
Ellie: "No, thank you."
Extra: 31. Who do y'all tag?
Josiah: "Your mom!"
Ellie: "That is so rude!"
Josiah: "Sorry."
Luna: "Isn't that a Muggle game?"
Munyia: "Isn't that an American game?"
River: "YOU!"