
May 16, 2008 10:40

In what five fictional locations would you love to live?

1. Narnia
2. Middle-earth, either Rivendell, the Shire, or Edoras
3. Two Rivers from The Wheel of Time series
4. Gotham City
5. Camelot

What five series/books/movies can you re-watch/reread time and again?

1.  The Chronicles of Narnia
2.  Jane Austen/Charlotte Brontë (cheating, I know)
3.  Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
4.  Speed
5.  Lord of the Rings

What were you doing ten years ago?
1998, just finishing up 5th grade with Mrs. Kieswetter (sp?)
yikes, that was only 10 years?!?!

What are five things on your to-do list for tomorrow?
1.  Finish sewing dress
2.  Turn soil & add more to new garden
3.  Plant flower seeds
4.  Buy vegetable plants for garden (maybe)
5.  Plant vegetable plants (if said plants have been bought)

What are some snacks you enjoy?
chips & salsa, Oreos & milk, chocolate chip cookies, ice cream, M&Ms, ranch Corn Nuts

What would you do if you were a billionaire?
Pay off my parents' loans & my school.  Donate a large portion to several charities.  Put rest of money in trusts, stocks, bonds, etc.  Finish school, get work as missionary & use some of money to support self and area.  After several years (20+) retire and live on large ranch with lots of horses.

What are three of your bad habits?
1. Eating when I'm bored.
2. Starting projects and getting bored halfway through.
3. Not speaking up for myself.

What are five places where you have lived?
1. house I was born in - Sacramento, CA
2. house we moved to 2 years ago - Sacramento, CA
3. college - Longview, TX
4. ?? mission trip - 2 weeks in Romania
5. ?? mission trip - 1 week & another 2 yrs later in Mexico

What are five jobs you have had?
1. Volunteered at library??
2. Babysitter
3. Macy's, cashier in the shoe department
4. Nanny
5. Lifeguarding

meme, ☛ life

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