This One Book

Mar 28, 2009 13:20

borrowed with no intent of returning from coonassblondie

1) By which author do you own the most books? C.S. Lewis, Frank Peretti, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Gertrude Chandler Warner, or Brian Jacques (not sure since they’re all at home)

2) Of which book do you own the most copies? I have two copies of Black Beauty

3) Did it bother you that both those questions ended with prepositions? No, since the person before fixed it (but it wouldn’t have bothered me)

4) What fictional character are you secretly in love with? Mr. Darcy, Sir Percy Blakeney, Prince Caspian, Christopher Chant (Crestomanci), Samwise Gamgee, Mr. Rochester, Jean Valjean, and Almanzo Wilder (oh wait, he’s real)

5) What book have you read the most times in your life? The Chronicles of Narnia -- I’ve probably read each one a 100 times, easy, close seconds would be The Little House on the Prairie series, and books by Janette Oke, Diana Wynne Jones, Robin McKinley, Francine Rivers, and Jeanette Windle - I’ve read their books over and over again

6) What was your favorite book when you were ten years old? The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe with Nancy Rue’s Heritage series and Hilda Stahl’s Sadie Rose books following closely behind

7) What is the worst book you've read in the past year? Brave New World by Aldous Huxley for school; it was such an awful soul-sucking deprivation that I actually felt sick while I read it, which is, I suppose, the point

8) What is the best book you've read in the past year? Lord of the Flies by William Golding, also for school; it was such a disgusting survey of the depravity of humanity that I loved it, which wasn’t, I suppose, the point. Honestly, I don’t know why I loved Lord of the Flies but hated Brave New World since they are similar to an extent in moral message

9) If you could force everyone you tagged to read one book, what would it be? Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus by dcTalk. I think it would give people a much better idea of what a Christian should be not what the media and even the church makes us out to be

10) Who deserves to win the next Nobel Prize for Literature? Stephanie Myers - oh the chaos that would ensue!! (jk, btw)

11) What book would you most like to see made into a movie? The DMZ by Jeanette Windle - a kidnapping of a feisty reporter in the Columbian DMZ who uncovers a dastardly plot to destroy the US of A - now that’d be a frikkin’ awesome summer blockbuster

12) What book would you least like to see made into a movie? Anything else by Jeanette Oke, those Hallmark movies sucked

13) Describe your weirdest dream involving a writer, book, or literary character. Once I dreamed that Mr. Darcy was trying to convince me to marry him, so that was pretty sweet

14) What is the most lowbrow book you've read as an adult? As an education major I read kids’ books all the time, don’t know if that’s exactly lowbrow, but I don’t use much brainpower

15) What is the most difficult book you've ever read? Oedipus: The King, I swear I had no idea what was going on and all my friends in my AP English class was actually able to discuss it - I felt like such a moron

16) What is the most obscure Shakespeare play you've seen? I’ve never seen a Shakespearean play (le gasp!). I’m actually not the biggest Shakespearean fan (LE GASP!). But I have (been forced to) read Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, and Macbeth

17) Do you prefer the French or the Russians? Well, I disliked Crime and Punishment and I liked Les Misérables , so French?

18) Roth or Updike? Don’t know either

19) David Sedaris or Dave Eggers? Ditto

20) Shakespeare, Milton, or Chaucer? I’ve only read Shakespeare, I guess didn’t have the "Classical" education

21) Austen or Eliot? Austen, but I haven’t read Eliot

22) What is the biggest or most embarrassing gap in your reading? Apparently, those above! But I admit, I’m not a reading snob - I read what interests and amuses me, and if that’s Twilight, so be it, I don’t care what others think about ms think about my reading tastes.

23) What is your favorite novel? Gosh, if I have to choose Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë

24) Play? Les Misérables, though I’ve yet to see it

25) Poem? “The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

26) Essay? Eh, Common Sense and The American Crisis by Thomas Paine

27) Short story? O. Henry all the way

28) Work of nonfiction? I don’t know, I don’t read much nonfiction unless it’s for school or for general knowledge

29) Who is your favorite writer? C.S. Lewis

30) Who is the most overrated writer alive today? Rick Warren for writing The Purpose Driven Life, not that it’s a bad book, but it’s no good when a devotional book is celebrated by people more than the actual Bible

31) What is your desert island book? My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George or other such similar survival guide

32) And... what are you reading right now? The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen. Yay for kids’ books!

I tag YOU!

☛ books, ☛ dreams, meme, ☛ life

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