characters on lj meme

Apr 29, 2011 22:57

I found this here!

Pick 10 characters from whatever fandoms you like -- and pick LJ usernames for them. Don't peek at the questions until you've made your list!

I checked to make sure there none of these names had been taken... but not the communities. I kinda want tacostacostacostacos!

1. Castiel (Supernatural)-
2. Dean (Supernatural) -
3. Lindsay Knope (Parks and Rec) -
4. Troy (Community) -
→ He's clearly had this journal since before he started Greendale.
5. Abed (Community) -
6. Dangle (Reno 911!)-
→ I don't like Dangle, but the restaurant Tacos Tacos Tacos Tacos just amuses me so much each time they say it.
7. Maeby (Arrested Development) -
→ I was surprised by how difficult this one was.
8. Cordelia (Buffy) -
9. Penny (Big Bang Theory) -
→ since she's the only girl in a group of guys.... except now there's other girls... this makes less sense nowt hat I think about it
10. April (Parks and Rec) -

1) What's the title and subtitle of 4's journal? (Troy)
Kick Punch'd!
The Awesome Life of Troy Barns!!

2) What does 9's default usericon look like? What other icons does 9 have? (Penny)

→ Icons of the tough women in mostly-male and nerdy fandoms!

3) What is 2's favorite community? (real or imagined) How does he/she participate? (Dean) - Dean trolls the comment sections, making fun of the random crap people post, while occassionally getting a hit on a case. He's made a few friends there (much to his dismay), after giving some sarcastic advice to people who actually needed his help.

4) Give us a sample of 5's interest list. (Abed)
action movies, alfred hitchcock, an american werewolf in london, back to the future, better off dead, blade runner, breakfast club, buddy comedies, chicken fingers, christmas, coen brothers, conspiracy theories,falafel, ferris bueller's day off, film making, ghostbusters, goonies, greendale community college, in the morning, james cameron, jaws, john huges, jurassic park, kick puncher, life, lost, martin scorsese, monkeys, movies, muffins, quentin tarantino, raising arizona, real genius, seven, space ships, stand by me, star wars iv, star wars v, star wars vi, stripes, the fog of war, the matrix, time travel, tv tropes, tv, vampires, wachowski brothers, wes anderson

5) 6 and 1 get in a virtual slapfight about something. What is it? How does it end? (Dangle and Castiel) ... just... no
Dangle posts something vaguly racist and fairly sexist and all-around terrible, so Castiel calls him out on it. Dangle fights back, so Castiel uses his angelic powers to delete Dangle's post, claiming it was an abomination. Dangle doesn't realize it's gone until much later, but he's completely forgotten what it was about.

6) 10, 3, and 7 are co-mods of a community. What is it? (April, Lindsay, Maeby) - Just like it says on the tin. Lindsay writes articles about powerful women in politics or business. Maeby comments on her own sarcastic findings (while using a secret account) on how women are portrayed in the media. April bans, like, almost everyone.

7) 8 posts a secret to ljsecrets or fandomsecrets : what does it look like and what does it say? (Cordelia)

8) of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9, who is most likely to Castiel, Lindsay, Abed, Maeby, Penny
a) post every meme he/she comes across? Lindsay
b) flock their entire journal? Maeby
c) write pr0n? Penny
d) get banned from every community he/she signs up at? Maeby, at least, she'll try too, but they'll end up sympathizing with her
e) attract anonymous stalker comments? Penny, she gets a lot of guy stalkers

9) of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, who is most likely to (Dean, Troy, Dangle, Cordelia, April)
a) flood their flist? Cordelia
b) use SPARKLE text? Dangle
c) write emo poetry? April... ironically!
d) have the most stamps? Troy
e) have the most friends? Troy on purpose; Castiel on accidence, since he's just so nice

10) 2 and 6 are in a relationship IRL, but 8 finds out that 10 has been sending sexy PMs to 2. 8 asks 4's advice, and 4 blurts out the gossip all over his/her LJ. Write a little of the comment thread that follows. Dean and Dangle - THAT IS JUST WRONG... and Cordelia finds out that April has been sending sexy PMs to Dean. Cordelia asks Troy's advice, and Troy blurts out the gossip all over his LJ (WHICH HE WOULD TOTALLY DO!!!)

POST BY FOOOTBALLROX: xxxx post xxxxx post xxxxxxxx gossip xxxxxx gasp xxxxxx!!!!!

tacostacostacostacos: What are you talking about, Troy!? You are such a liar!!
→foootballrox: oops
→→born2rok: shit. TROY!
→→→foootballrox: double oops
waffffles: What!? Dean and Dangle... what! APRIL? WHAT!?!?!??!?! (why does nobody tell me anything??? *pout*)
→foootballrox: Don't blame me... Cordy told me!
→→queenbemon: Troy, you're a ratfink!!
tacostacostacostacos: HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON!?!
→only1girl: ((How long has that been going on?))
born2rok: can we talk about this in private?? message me!
after.march: can everyone just chill... it's not a big deal
angelofthelord7: Dean, we need to talk.
→born2rok: double sh--- crap
→born2rok: fine, message me
→→born2rok: l;jsdfuoiasufd
→→→born2rok: sorry, Cas just popped up next to me and startled me and I punched all the keys. Again.
after.march: it didn't mean anything... i was just having fun...
popculturephilospher: This conversation is very interesting.
→maeby_maybenot I agree, Abed. There's a lot of  juicy drama.
→→popculturephilospher: Let's talk about a script.
→→→maeby_maybenot: As long as you're doing the work!! :)
→→→→popculturephilospher: Let's meet for drinks later.
→→→→→maeby_maybenot: Marry me!!

❛abed nadir, ✈ buffy, ❛jim dangle, ✈ arrested devlopment, ❛maeby fünke, ❛dean winchester, ❛april ludgate, ✈ supernatural, ✈ big bang theory, ✍ fic: shipper, meme, ✈ reno 911!, ❛cordelia chase, ✈ parks and rec, ✈ community, ❛lindsay knope, ❛castiel, ❛troy barnes, ❛penny (bbt), ☛ awesome, ✈ tv

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