It's Parent-Teacher Conferences today and tomorrow. Since I only have 2 students and they both of their parents want to meet tomorrow, I'm free today. However, I think I have to stay at school. Maybe I'll be able to sneak out!
office_stamps - I can see it
cinemastamps - Commissioner Gordon, definitely. Chase - I think so, she's was a little weird from what I remember however.
cinemastamps - loves kids, sweet, hard-working, she's definitely more of a perfectionist than I am, but I'd say we're pretty similar. If I was married to Mark, I would probably end up treating him the same way - you're gonna have a kid, time to grow up, buddy.
quentin_stamps - I definitely agree, we have even have the same dimples :)
I just love Zoë Bell, she's an awesome stuntperson - did Uma Thurman's stunts in Kill Bill and all her own stunts in Death Proof. Amazing.
animation_rate - awesome song, Cary Elwes didn't sing it, but it's still amazing. Garrett is way awesome!