Title: The Real Girl
Characters: Bill/Gabrielle
HP Pairings Prompt: handshake from
justpromptsRating: G
Genre: General
Warnings: fluff
Word Count: 100
Summary: Gabrielle meets Bill for the first time.
Notes: Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Characters do not belong to me and I make no money off of them, etc.
The Real Girl
She could see why Fleur had fallen in love him. As he held out his hand in introduction, his eyes glinted mischievously. Gabrielle placed her gloved hand lightly in his as she simpered enchantingly, almost as bewitching as Fleur.
To her surprise, Bill did not lift her tiny hand to his lips in the mildly flirtatious greeting that she expected. Instead, he shook her hand firmly in his - a warm handshake that meant friendship, trust, and sincerity.
Gabrielle lost the coquettish look in her eyes and grinned warmly at him, showing him the real little girl underneath the beautiful façade.