So blogging…..

May 06, 2013 11:27

I’ll admit I have tried this out several times. Like… several. And I am fully aware that it is good for me to do. Well, to journal at least, if nothing else. And so I know I need to get back to it. It helps my memory, it helps me understand my past better, it helps me vent, and it helps me connect.

I seem to have 3 main obstacles when it comes to keeping up with this.

1- Time.
Finding the time to do this on a regular basis always seems to be tough. Logically it seems like I need to make a specific day and time to work on this so it actually will get done every week. And I suppose when you know someone will be reading it, that becomes more motivating to do it. But it’s setting aside that time and committing to it. And I will admit, I have never officially set a day of the week let alone a time to blog, or to work on my blog…. But I think that is the first thing I need to change.

2 - Subject
I think part of my trouble has been thinking that my blog has to be about something specific. But that is just not necessarily so. It could be about my gluten free food adventures, it could be about plays I’m doing, or movies I’m watching, personal life reflections…… yep. Whatever. I need to stop thinking I need to restrict myself on what I write about. If one day I decide to write a blog that is more tailored to one specific subject - then so be it, but for now, I just need to get to writing. I can work on a less broader blog later.

3- Censoring
The main thing with blogging as opposed to simply writing in a journal, is that the world sees it. And so I feel the need to hold back because of that. Because I don’t want to offend anyone or say things I might regret later. Consequently I don’t always have a lot to say on the internet. I know it’s out there for anyone to read, (in case anyone does want to read it) and they can interpret it any way they want. They can think I mean something different than I do, they can disagree with what I say or they can be offended by it. And there isn’t much I can do about that. It certainly is not my goal to upset people by merely expressing my thoughts. And being somewhat of a people pleaser, I naturally shy away from that idea. Well that, and I’m so non-confrontational that I would rather jump out of a window half the time than really argue about anything.

Consequently I think this one tends to hold me back the most, because I feel like I can’t be really free to express myself. But I think the need for codenames and some anonymity is necessary in order to do this properly…. Which is my goal to try and do.

Ok so there we go. Blogging. And my new adventures back into it. Ready or not, here I come!

Adventures from the Dianna cave
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