So here I am. Missing for a long time from my blog with many many intentions of writing in it once again. I’m sure you are reading and going “why?” or at least it’s what I imagine. I suppose it’s just the little critics that occupy my head telling me what people would say, when more than likely no one will. Did that make any sense? I think it made more sense in my mind…
Point is, I have been meaning to blog since Jan 1st because in my head I did a new years resolution about blogging more, but have I? nope. I think the fact that I made the commitment in my head and not on paper is partially to blame. But here it is, I’m already 4 months late to my goal. But I have arrived.
I guess it’s been a few months now, but I did go see a doctor. Which if you know me is a really big deal. I haven’t seen a doctor in years, and I have no health insurance (which I guess with the new bill will change.) so it encourages me not to go. It’s expensive and I usually feel I can figure it out, or they won’t be able to tell me anything I didn’t know already. I.E. lose weight, stop being fat, exercise more, your obese. You know… all the usual “hey you are overweight, go fix that!” kind of comments. Which I know. And well, yeah…. I’m trying.
So anyway, an exam, blood pressure check and a EKG later I found out all I really had was heartburn. I must admit I did feel stupid. Like “oh duh, how could I have not figured this out for myself?” but I hadn’t. so there I was finding out more about heartburn and realizing once again, the real way to cure my problem… loose weight. Which the great part was, she did not harp on me for that. She recommended some over the counter meds etc, but mostly recommended changing the way I eat. Which I thought made a lot of sense.
Since then I have really been trying to reform the way I eat. I did a lot of research online for foods that cause heartburn. Among them being tomatoes (no pizza which is a HUGE tragedy) chocolate, or mint. Among several others. I also tried to read up on what is good for it. Refried beans, nuts and of course vegetables… my arch nemesis..
And of course my newest challenge has been trying to eliminate high fructose corn syrup out of my diet as well. What a royal pain in the booty that is!! Not easy at all. I’ve been watching some documentaries like
Food Inc. and
Killer at large (the last I really really recommend by the way). It’s not easy, but I truly do want to loose weight. I also got the
wii sports active by EA (no I don’t own a wii, marc’s son Daniel does, but for heaven’s sake the boy owns 2 wii’s!!! so it lives at my house right now…. By my request) which I have done for 2 days. Today I did not because my heartburn made it so uncomfortable the idea of bouncing around exercising was not even close to appealing. I mean really. But tomorrow is a new day.
Anyhow, I’m sure I could write plenty more… I know I have in my head, but for now that’s all….. I will be back again… much sooner I hope. Tomorrow is expected to be a difficult day.
“We are going to terminate obesity in California once and for all.” - Arnold Schwarzenegger