[Mitsuhide seems calm. A little sleepy as well, perhaps, and there is a small smile on his face. The SFC is placed on the surface in front of him, so that he polish his katana whilst making the post.]
[His first statement is simply:]
I am lucky to be here.
[A pause, and he moves on, frowning briefly.]The city seems to be a little... well, quiet
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You don't think anything like the-the zombies are going to happen do you?
Thank you. you honour me, Miss Kagome.
[His expressions turns a little more serious.]
I should hope we don't have to experience the presence of those creatures again. I doubt Vatheon will throw exactly the same thing at us, but... who knows?
You're welcome but I mean it.
[She sighs.]
Neither do I. That was terrifying.
Remain on your guard. We cannot ever know what Vatheon will do, but it is best to be wary anyway.
I will, I guess. What are you going to do?
[She's quiet a few seconds.]
It seems to me that we can't really prepare since Vatheon tends to throw unexpected things at us.
[He nods.]
We can at least be aware.
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