This makes me sad. I love my uggs, they keep my feet warm. Boo to you moronic people who don't like them. Maybe it's just a california thing...
I found another cell phone today. Ironically, I found one at Cal too. This one was under my seat in accounting tonight. I think it's fate, for the following reasons.
a) I almost didn't go. It's 20 degrees outside, with winds of 15-20 mph. That's COLD.
b) I sat in the back. I never sit in the back, that class is so tedious i'd fall asleep.
c) I put my hat and mittens under my chair, when i've never in my life done that before. I always just throw it all on the seat next to me.
And *bam*, there was a phone. After playing games on it for most of class (I told you, it's BORING) i started receiving frantic messages to "call this number", so as soon as class was over, i did. The owner was out searching for it, but his roommate said he'd let him know i found it. So...mystery phone owner is coming over in 10 minutes.
I've done my good deed for the day. :)