So I'm home. And while I don't miss Berkeley at all, I miss the people every day. In the exactly 2 months i was there, i met some of the most amazing people in the entire world, people who I wish I had gotten that chance to grow not only closer to, but also up with. So to Michaela, Kye, Angelee, Harry, Charlotte, Megan, Diane, Sabrina, Rachel, Ujval, Dorothy, Tavi, Milly, Sylvain, and of course, Brian...I love you all, and thank you for everything.
The day before I left, Brian ditched his friday classes to spoil me. First, we finally went up in the campanile (the bell tower) on campus, to see the view.
Then we headed out to his house, via BART.
Look Mom, i'm riding public transit all by myself!
He showed me his house, and we watched "Bring It On", like we'd been swearing we were going to do for 2 months. Then he gave me a tour of his town, and we visited his high school, where we proceeded to talk to his teacher about disney for almost an hour and a half. Oh how i miss this boy. :)
Finally, off to the city. We played with his nifty touch screen map in his car, and visited all the tourist destinations. Twin peaks, Golden Gate Park, Lombard Street, past UCSF and various other things.
The top of Twin Peaks
You can ALMOST make out the campanile back on campus, across the bay.
We drove Lombard Street...
Like a roller breaks!
Finally, we parked the car across town (free parking in the residential district!) and hopped on MUNI (Mooney? Mewnee?) to get to the waterfront.
Once there, Brian surprised me yet again...he had invited EVERY SINGLE PERSON on my facebook to the rainforest cafe for dinner. We had reservations at 8:30, but they were running late, so we hung out in the gift shop.
Harry, Kye, Brian, Angelee, Rachel, Me, Sylvain
Finally, we were seated.
Radioactive food? Or just funny lighting?
We ordered "volcanoes" for dessert (chocolate brownie, vanilla ice cream, caramel, and whipped cream, with a sparkler). They said it was my birthday, so mine had a candle.
And then, it was time to go home. We hopped back on MUNI/mewni/mooney and rode it to BART.
Boys never smile.
Unless you make them.
The group, minus Rachel who left early and Brian who had to go pick up his car, waiting for BART.
Milly pretty sums up how tired we were by then.
I know it was right to leave Cal, but I'm torn, not only because of how amazing these people were, but because i feel like i've lost out on a lot of opportunities by leaving. I have to stop saying "what if" though, and just look forward. Regroup, and start over. I'm going to apply to University of Maryland for the Spring, and can start there in January. Not as good as Cal, no, but i think i've realized i don't want that level of school. I want somewhere where i can do well. I don't need to be the best, but I'd rather be good at a decent school, then acceptable at a great school. I need an A every now and again to feel worthwhile. So be it.
I think I'm also going to apply to Brown, Cornell, and Duke again though. I really doubt I'll get in a second time, having refused their offer the first time...but it's worth a shot. Anyway, keep me in your prayers guys, I'm struggling.