fly on paper wings.

Aug 06, 2004 01:05

alright so last night was the fata/alexisonfire show. it was an amazing show. it was hot and sweaty but idc, i was - that close to the stage. heres pictures..

tonight well it was loads of fun. saw lots of kids i love. well lets see, i had work then went to dannys, we all piled into the car and headed to wendys, made chris walk to wendys and then we hung out there and then went to king kullen got me some hott shades. then went back to wendys. then we all went to bk where we saw manno scott and that whole crew. then went to friendlys, called it a night and michelle drove me andjoe home cus um yeah SHES GOT HER LICENCE<3! haha. we um broke the law as well. oh well. heres pictures...

chris in my hot shades. he stole them. what a homofag.

daniel mannnnnnnno!!!! he was high as a kite, but we reminiced a little about our rowley days.

me and scotty<33333 my bestest bff ever!

joe, feff, and michelle. <3

they looked like little kids waiting for there mommys to leave.

" oh look the village people, never mind we know them."

so tomorrow is gunna be a sick day. <3 update tomorrow. peace.
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