Your death will be murder....Most likely because
your a very social person and everyone knows
you, but there is one person lurking in the
shadows that is so jealous of you or is so
obsessed they end up killing you...There are
many ways of being depends on the
person, but your death will either be slow and
painful (like being stabed to death) or quiek
and painless (like a gunshot to the head).
How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:. brought to you by
Quizilla hehe kathy and i got the same. when i looked at all the possible results and i saw someof the other ones i figured maybe i'll die of either "none of the above" or a mixture of about 3. i was lookin and maybe murder, maybe being unloved, maybe jealousy. i would hope it to be none of the above. i have been thinking about death alot lately. it was weird that this quiz came along....i don't know but i was talking to people on friday and we were talking about death. i told them i wasn't afraid of dying. i think that way i wanna die is either saving someone's or dying. i had a dream that someone (will not say names) needed a bone marrow transplant and i was the only blood match. it was weird because when i gave the transplant they went in and took out part of the inside of my bone and put it in the other person. i ended up dying right in the middle of the opertaion and when they tried to wake me up i had already passed. i think the reason why it had something to do with the whole transplant thing was because when i die i rwally wanna be an organ donor. if i die before i am 16 you all who are reading this will be my witnesses and i want you all to know that i want my life to be meaningful even after i die. the second reason why i may have had this dream is that i have been wondering about heaven. with all this talk about religion in history i think i am curious to see what heaven looks like or if the jesus i believ in really is the chistos that there is historical data on.
ahhhhhh. but enough death talk i think i wanna talk more about my day. life is so agravating. i used to be happy-ish most all of the time. now matt says since i turned 13 my horomones are going wackyfied and that's why i am acting so crazy. maybe he's idea? well anyways with the whole situation with the person and the person i said i was sorry and i thought that they both forgave me and today this morning in biology i was told by katie ransom that the one person who is more of my friend said that he was still mad. so i was slightly upset until break and then i talked to him and he said he wasn't....gah. i hate things like this. i started hypervenhalating today...AGAIN. i thought i lost my crossword puzzle but i really didn't so i don't know what the cheese happened buti ended up finding it. then lunch-grrrrr! i went into the lunch room slightly late because i was talking to matt and when i got into the cafeteria my spot was taken by kathy. her spot was taken my melissa. that was annoying so i sat in brians and brian sat in andrews and andrew sat in meredith's and meredith was smushed in between crystel and andrew till crystel left and then bethany came.gah it was so annoying because hannah is such a hypocrite. she tells me to be quiet etc. and then she tells me i talk about it too much. so then when she talks about it she thinks it's ok. age is not a facotr. but brains are. why do you think i am in 9th grade. obviously not because i was born in 1990! i think i know what i am talking about. when kathy was gone samantha was telling me that i had to be my own person and stuff. then she tells me that i have to act my age. i can act my age and the same person i am inside and she still isn't satisfied. she was gettin ticked at me because she said i was set wrong and so when i challenged her snd said i was behind lacey sghe said i couldn't rely on the bands. then emily said to get a drill book and when she did she found i was right and she was wrong....ooooh you got told! that's what i ideally shoulda said. but instead ashley said i was timid and i should have been meaner. ashley told me she'd stand up for me the next time they said anything that unless they had a drill book in their hand or they were a capitan that they didn't have the authority to boss me around. specially if they were first years!!! oh well i have to go do my homework...ttyl
buh bye.
thought for the day: "do not be afriad of afraid of an unlived life"