(no subject)

Mar 06, 2007 19:20


Hanajima is about average height and a bit on the skinny side; she has dark eyes (which glow purple when she's doing her psychic thing) and long black hair which is usually either loose or in one braid.

She's wearing her school uniform in a lot of her icons, but doesn't actually wear it at camp; instead, she's generally in lacy black goth-loli-esque things, with accessories like cloaks, lacy gloves, veils, etc.

Habits/Mannerisms/Body Language:

If she jumps a thread- or hell, even comments on a post- chances are she's appearing from the shadows rike ninja or just kind of popping up behind you. It's what she does. Her manner when she talks to most people (the notable exception being Tohru) is... not threatening or intimidating, exactly, but... creepy/spooky? Does that make sense? Something like that. However, with most people there's a sort of intentionally overdramatic, not-entirely-serious feeling to her scaryfacing, which is something I... kind of fail at conveying, ahahaha. But it's there. Unless she feels you're a threat to Tohru- then she means business. Serious Business, even.

As noted previously, her manner in most of her interactions with Tohru is very different- she's less spooky and smiles a lot more and is generally... almost sisterly, in a way, except not quite because that would be pseudo-incestuous. The difference is pretty obvious, so feel free to notice it. Have your character notice it. Whatever.

Current Residence:

Girls' Cabin 1.

Typical Daily Routine:

I'm too braindead to do this right now, but I assume she spends a lot of time reading dirty porn and playing Solitaire and stuff, and spends some time on the computer each day checking up on what's going on in camp. In the summer she goes swimming from time to time.

Favorite Haunts:

Girls' Cabin 1... the library, maybe?

Does s/he make his/her own bed?

No, she's too lazy.
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