May 01, 2025 19:45

Welcome, thanks for stopping by! All fic is open; episode reactions, RL stuff and random shit is f-locked. Friend and defriend at your leisure, and drop me a line if you'd like to be friended back.


A couple of locals stumble upon Sam and Dean, who are flu-ravaged, delirious and trying to hunt a ghost.
Master Post

Dean was born with cystic fibrosis, a chronic illness of the lungs. Sam struggles with juggling two lives. Something's killing people at Stanford.

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Dean survived but never recovered from the events of Faith. He's sick, really sick, and Sam does what he's gotta do to take care of his brother. But he thinks he might be losing his mind.

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SHORT FIC (in chronological order)

Hug it out, party on

The Beastly Mr. Bellingham 

Shapeless Light 

You'll Wonder Where the Yellow Went 


Every Fucking Saturday 
Word Count: ~2000
Summary: Sometimes he wanted to say it out loud, scream it, to all of them: you’re never going to replace Sam. This is yet another that-year-with-Lisa fic.
Warnings/Spoilers: Through season 6. Permanently injured!Dean. High angst. Dean/Lisa. Het: roughly one sentence of sex.

Because of Dean 
Word Count: ~3000
Summary:  A hot chick named Jess brings Sam homemade soup. Dean doesn't care how shitty Sam feels, he's not going to let her get away. 
Warnings/Spoilers: sick!Sam. pre-Sam/Jess. AU in which Sam has cystic fibrosis, a chronic illness of the lungs. Stanford-era AU. Language. Lacking in angst.

Too Many Daves 
Summary: Dean needs stitches. Sam distracts him from the pain with Dr. Seuss. Not gonna lie, this is pretty much fanfiction of fanfiction-- namely  roque_clasique’s  Easy as 123.

The Dudes  
Word count: 4,000
Summary: Dean’s sick. Sam is too stoned to notice.

The Thrills, the Bills, the Pills that Kill 
Word Count: 2100
Summary: Lisa met him on the Fourth of July. She was drunk off her ass. In the same verse as  Swallow The Sky and  Isn’t It Good Again, an AU in which Dean sustained a spinal chord injury at a young age. Yes, I'm back with yet ANOTHER forearm crutch fic! *hangs head in shame* This one probably doesn't stand alone.

Daydreams You Have in Hell
Word Count: 2300
Summary: For  ohsam  comment fic prompt: Sam now has a thing about cages. A jail cell is a cage.

His Post-Attack Bliss
Word Count: ~2,000
Summary: Sam finds out something he never knew about John. During an asthma attack.

And Nothing 
Word Count: ~2,000
Summary: Sam and Dean go to a Metallica concert. 
Spoilers/Warnings: permanently injured Dean, forearm crutches, boozing, language

Isn't it Good Again

Word Count: ~3,000
Summary: Same 'verse as Swallow the Sky. Dean's got something on his mind. Now if only he would say it. 
He's Come Undone
They’ll settle down somewhere if (when) Dean goes completely blind-- at least that’s what Sam always tells himself. Coming soon: FABULOUS artwork by thruterryseyes .

Swallow the Sky 
Dean chaperones Sam's Halloween date. Sam is not happy. Permanently injured Dean.

And the words crumbled in my mouth
Horror fic for chiiyo86 's birthday: Dean is deaf, and trapped in the pitch-black bank vault of Nightshifter.

Every chain 
It's Halloween, Dean has the worst flu ever and Ben, god bless him, really wants to go trick-or-treating.

Horror comment fic: Jimmy REALLY wants red meat and Cas can't control it anymore.

Silver Earrings 
This is a story about cancer. But there will be no hair loss, no sweating, and hardly any vomiting.

Dean has a kidney stone and it hurts. A lot.

Schmoop Bingo Fics

The Angelic Version of Small Talk
Dean's fucked up, Sam's fucked up, and Cas tries to help. Tries. Tag to 5x14, My Bloody Valentine.

Forever Ain't That Long
2009!Dean permanently injures his leg. 2014!Dean helps. Dean/Dean. Featuring beautiful graphics by animotus .

The very fabric of the space-time continuum
Tag to episode 5x13, "The Song Remains the Same." Sam and Dean watch over Castiel and contemplate the complexities of time and space.

the mandroid way he moved
The Impala is stolen during a snow storm. It's all downhill from there.

The boys recover from a hunt, watch HGTV, and contemplate what's important in life.

This New Pain (comment fic)
Sam has an asthma attack after the events of Lucifer Rising.

Big Red Plus From LaLa Land (comment fic)
Sam's hunting and Dean is delirious.

Happy Hunter (comment fic)
Sam's all high on pain meds and Dean tells him a bedtime story.

Dean has arthritis in his knees, thanks to his ridiculously bowed legs. It hurts. A lot.

One Pill Makes You Small
How Sam and Dean keep their first aid kit stocked with the good stuff.

The Mystery of the Squish
Dean is really sick and Sam has a nasty hangover. For maximum enjoyment, read this fic before the "Night of the Squish."

The Night of the Squish
Dean is really sick and Sam is really drunk. Also, Sam gets naked.

Dean tells Sam the truth: sometimes Dad gets too rough when they spar. References to non-sexual abuse.

A Silly Fic About Sam and Troll Dolls (comment fic)
Sam is obsessed with Troll Dolls. You heard me.

masterlist, fic

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