About nothing in particular

Nov 03, 2007 19:06

Since I obviously can't play the tuba anymore, I bought a new guitar because I can. I bought a low-end kind, about $200 for the entire package, using a thinner-than-typical string. I'm quite happy about it too. It's been hard for me to spend vast amounts of money because I grew learning how to be stingy and manage a meager income, but I believe I won't be disappointed in the purchase. I may need to take lessons in a few months to improve my skills. Learning on your own can only get you so far.

In other news, I'll be coming back to California for Thanksgiving. I bought the tickets way-in-advance so I wouldn't have to deal with the overpriced tickets that the airlines offer now.  I'm excited to come visit! I hope I have the time to see some of you guys.
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