(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 10:22

Today I woke up at 0530.. a little late, didn't fit in a shower. Just got dressed and went to ATT. It was going to be my last day because I was pretty much done with everything, but instead at 0930 they had us all go muster so we could get Flu Mist.. this flu vaccine they shoot up your nose. Blah. We stood in formation in the hangar for a little over 2 hours, then they dismissed us for chow because they were having I strand classes go first. We got a half hour for chow, came back, then we stood in line for another hour and then I got a virus injected into my nose.. lovely time. But they were nice enough to give us a tylenol to hopefully help with the disease they just shot into our systems.

After said influenza encounter I went to open learning so that I could finish the rest of my lessons and be done with ATT. After I finally finished they had me take a written test, that I learned after I tried so hard on it that I didn't have to pass it, they just wanted to see what we retained. I passed, though I learned I'm one of the few who has because people don't normally care. Assholes. So I go stand outside of the ATT office and wait, where a petty officer then tells me that he doesn't know if they're graduating anymore people today but that I need to stand by. I stood at ease in the p-way by the door for maybe 15 to 20 minutes before they came out to tell me that I needed to return tomorrow at 0800 to graduate. Great.

After that I went back to the barracks to find my name on the board to see the Yeoman, fancy that. I go see what I need, they want to return my performing units request chit. Hm. I hear by rumor that they're kicking us off performing units because the ACs (air traffic controllers) and ASes (Aviation Support or something like that) are getting taken off the roster as per their school houses. Well, I become quite upset at this point and refuse to take my chit, and continue on to practice. The numbers have greatly reduced because of the loss of our beloved ACs and ASes.. I'm upset. Endicott comes by before and after her duty section muster to see what's going on. Le sigh. She is an AS, so she can't be there with us anymore. I miss her. She's my secret love. But anyway... I talk to AS1 and he decides that we're not getting kicked off and to tell the yeomans to put that request chit in our SDRs because they don't have the authority to kick us off. So I do that, and then I'm good to go. Now here I am... enjoying a little liberty. Nice.

Well that's all for now kiddos, later.
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