HI....i'm maya!

May 24, 2004 19:42

hey everybody! sup? mmmm...nm. But hey it's maya! and i thought i'd give this live journal thingy a try....to spend my time doing! (oh great use of my time i know) but yah! so lets fill u in on this stuff. So today is monday and there are only like 18 days left of school YAY! so today i went to school which was the usual...and my group in science Samantha, Shaina, and Belly (aka Allie) worked on our robot. We're really good at this stuff...JK! but we got it to work and not fall apart atleast which was a good improvement YAY! so i came home and did YOGA which is so much fun....i guess but it's really good 4 u so yah i felt rejuvinated (spelling?). Yah so that's pretty much all i did. But i have to write a narritive poem for english....and it's gonna b about this little japenese girl who didn't look japenese and she really like to play soccer and was really good at it. She also like to pretend she was a gangsta girly and stuff and swore a lot. So since it actually has to b a story the climax is when she's at this big soccer game and this ref calls a bad thingy(shows how much i know about soccer) and the girl starts swearing at him and gets kicked out of the game but since she's the best player the team is screwed and yah it goes on from there! LOL i know i'm really good at these stories. I CHALLENGE U TO FIGURE OUT WHO THIS MYSTERIOUS GIRL IS! LOL! DO IT! ok but i should probably finish my hw now. but lets just tell ERIN that i LOVE her and that's SORRY and stuff! lol! ok bye! Welcome home NICKY! and JENNY good luck at tennis! hehe! so comment if u want!
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