May 21, 2010 20:37

NAME: Greer
AGE: 17
JOURNAL: badumtish
IM: hurghleburlebutz
RETURNING: 2 characters, Daniel Rand'Kai/Iron Fist (iron_fister ) and Baroona (baroonalight )

CHARACTER NAME: Garth Ranzz | Livewire
FANDOM: DC, 1990's Legion of Superheroes and Legionnaires series, also known as the twoboot or Post-Zero Hour.
CHRONOLOGY: Legionnaires #30, taken right after the science police take him away so... immediately after the issue finishes. 
CLASS: Garth is such a hero you don't even know. He's ditching the dog-tags, though. Being a runaway, he doesn't really like being tracked or being able to be tracked.
ALTER EGO: When he's not moping in alleyways and being a bum, I'm pretty sure he'll be a student somewhere, either at the Institute, or at a... normal school. Probably the Institute. Oh, and he's probably going to skip all the classes.


ONCE UPON A TIME IT WAS THE 30TH CENTURY. AND THERE WAS SPACE. WITH A WHOLE FUCKTON OF NEW PLANETS. AND IN THIS SPACE FULL OF A FUCKTON OF NEW PLANETS WAS THIS LITTLE SPACESHIP FLYING AROUND LIKE IT WAS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS. AND IN THAT LITTLE SPACESHIP IN THIS SPACE FULL OF A FUCKTON OF NEW PLANETS WERE THESE THREE KIDS AND THEY ALL HAD RED HAIR. Which means they're siblings. But not like... the Partridge family siblings or the Jetsons or stupid stuff like that. No. These kids are the Ranzz siblings, and they come from this weirdo country-planet named Winath where people only give birth to twins. 
Which is weird, because there are THREE Winathian kids in this little spaceship floating around in space, the final frontier. THREE. Not four, which is what happens when you get two plus two or in this case, twin plus twin. 
Yeah well there's three because the oldest Ranzz kid is a biological reject. His name is Mekt Ranzz and, like I just said, he's the oldest and he ain't got no twin. WHICH IS A PLOT POINT LATER but whatever. Anyways, Mekt was driving this little spaceship despite being like... I don't know, kid-age, and he was driving his two siblings (who WERE twins and therefore not biological rejects) and one of those siblings was a girl named Ayla Ranzz and the other was her older-twin-brother-thing Garth Ranzz. 
Now, these three kids had just gone out for a joyride despite being like 10 or younger or whatever, and they had taken their parent's spaceship cruiser. So no matter what, they were already in trouble. It just so happens that they would get in even MORE trouble because then the spaceship breaks or something and they crash-land on this little weirdo planet named Korbal. Now Korbal is like a planet full of nothing, except for weird-alien-rhinos that generate lightning and are mad dumb. Ayla realizes this, looks at their trashed cruiser, and comes up with the great idea that they should use the alien lightning rhinos (aka Lightning Beasts) to charge their ride. The two boy-siblings are like 'fine sure okay' and then ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY GET SURROUNDED BY LIGHTNING BEASTS which then go 'BAZZAPAZAP' to all three of the siblings and that's how all three of them get their lightning powers.

Yeah, I don't really get it either, but that's how it is.

ANYWAY FAST FORWARD A COUPLE OF YEARS TO GARTH RANZZ BEING A RUNAWAY ON AN AIRPLANE-SPACESHIP. He's all alone now, looking for Mekt because... he wants to find him. Ayla's back at home being cool and smart and showing up her brother, who is currently sitting next to the universe's famous ~*MAGNOBALL*~ champion, Rokk "Cosmic Boy" Krinn. They start talking, then this hot blonde chick comes on and Garth falls in love instantly. And then learns that she's a telepath-science police officer (science police are like... the cops of the future, but not space cops like Green Lanterns) because she totally reads his dirty fantasies and glares at him. Yeah. Her name is Imra Ardeen. So they all get settled in their seats, and then this hub-bub starts to happen because this really famous dude who's kind of like a fat, friendly, shaved Santa Claus-Steve Jobs combo is on the same plane. His name is R.J. Brande and he's fat, old, and basically responsible for this megahuge thing called the United Planets because he invented a stargate which allows... teleportation. Like... a stargate from the show 'Stargate'. Yeah, so R.J. Brande is pretty much responsible for uniting the galaxy and creating this organization that's just like the United Nations except it has to do with planets and is therefore called the United Planets. Which is cool because now the universe doesn't have a lot of wars and everything is peaceful. So this Brande guy is kinda a big deal.

Which means obviously there's going to be an assassination attempt when the airplane lands. Which there is, by the way. And you know who notices it? Imra Ardeen, the telepath chick that Garth has been crushing on. So she notices that these normal maintenance guys are carrying guns which is not normal, alarms people, and then Rokk "Cosmic Boy" Krinn uses his ~*magnetic*~ powers to take the guns away, and then our boy Garth stuns the assassins by electrocuting him.

Now, the other two stay for the press and applause but Garth hightails it right when he sees the cameras. Because he's a runaway and he doesn't want his parents to know where he is. HE MUST FIND MEKT! THIS IS IMPORTANT! Except later on he ends up in jail, about to get beat up. BUT LUCKILY, that Brande guy is SUCH a big hotshot that he's allowed to make his own fancy-dancy super-teenager-team that act as space cops. And his first recruits are the three kids who saved him. So his assistant, who later becomes a legionnaire named 'Triad' (she splits into three people), goes to save Garth's ass from jail and brings him to meet Mr. Rokk Krinn and Ms. Imra Ardeen and the three of them get a Captain-America-Speech from R.J. Brande and VOILA THE LEGION OF SUPERHEROES IS BORN. Imra Ardeen (the telepath chick) becomes Saturn Girl, Rokk Krinn becomes Cosmic Boy, and our boy Garth becomes Livewire. The three become known as the founding three legionnaires, and are all best friends forever, even if Cosmic Boy is a dick. Oh, and Garth still loves Imra forever and ever.

MOVING ON. They do some stuff, like gain two members (Triad and Apparition) after successfully saving the United Planets officials from getting blown up to smitheroons by a terrorist bomb.

EXCEPT THEN THEY FIND OUT THAT THE UNITED PLANETS CONTROL THEM AND THEY HAVE TO OBEY DIPLOMATS!!! Which is obviously the worst thing ever, because... Come on, they're diplomats. Anyway, this causes problems because basically, the president of the United Planets decided that every planet needs one representative on the team, which means the team leaders have no input on who can actually join. Which means that they'll probably get someone who a) isn't ready for combat, b) doesn't work well on a team and c) has useless powers. AND DING-DING-DING WHAT DO YOU KNOW, one of the new recruits they're forced to have is this little brat named Kid Quantum, who doesn't have powers. Instead, he has a belt. The other new recruits include XS (a relative of the Flash family, and a speedster herself), Lyle Norg/Invisible Kid, Reep Daggle/Chameleon, and Gim Allon/Leviathan. Leviathan was appointed leader by the United Planets, which caused Garth to dislike him because a new leader meant Cosmic Boy had to step down. Which he did. Still, Garth was hostile towards Leviathan, even when sent on their first real-mission.

Which was to stop a giant bug space pirate named Tangleweb. Throughout the mission, Leviathan-the new leader-made really bad decisions, which eventually led to the death of the bratty Kid Quantum. Garth was there when he Quantum died and had fought throughout the mission, but didn't really play a significant part. Afterwards, Leviathan gave up his leader position and gave it back to Cosmic Boy and everything was good. Tangleweb got away though. So yeah, they failed. Dumb kids.

So then they're at Kid Quantum's funeral and someone plants a bomb there, too. Turns out it's this guy named Roderick Doyle. And what a co-inky-dink, he's behind the assassination attempt on R.J. Brande, and the bomb at the United Planets. The Legion catches him after XS saves all the other Legionnaires from a bomb. Again, Garth plays no significant role.

The next mission after that was to stop this freaky death-touch dude named Mano from destroying a place called MoonDome. MoonDome was run by R.J. Brande's industry competitor, Leland McCauley, who had his own superteam called The Workforce which is such a stupid name. ANYWAY, Mano wanted revenge on McCauley because McCauley sold a biological weapon to Mano's homeplanet which then killed the entire planet except Mano. So Mano decided the most logical thing to do would be to blow his home planet up and get revenge on McCauley. The Legion ended up stopping Mano and the MoonDome was saved but again, Garth played no significant role.

When the Legionnaires come back to their headquarters, Garth finds out that the United Planets president wants to talk to him. So he goes to meet with her, and she basically is a bitch and replaces him with his own twin sister, Ayla (who now has the codename 'Spark'). She explains to him that the Legion is only allowed to have one member from each planet, and Winath chose Ayla, so get lost. She also exposes Garth as a runaway to both Imra and Cosmic Boy, tells him that his brother is a wanted criminal, and accuses him of being a bad person for even wanting to look for him. Lady is a bitch.

So all three of them leave the meeting room, and decide that they'll figure out some way to keep Garth on the team. Except they don't, because soon after this kid named Ultra Boy visits the Legion HQ and accidentally picks a fight with Legionnaires. Hearing the ruckus, Garth charges out, fights Ultra Boy and trashes the HQ in the process. Other people come out and stop the fight, it's basically pointed out that it was all a misunderstanding and then Cosmic Boy acts like a dick and shouts at Garth. Garth feels guilty about the damage he caused and his reckless actions and quits the Legion. Ultra Boy then grabs him, apologizes to him, and then recruits him into joining Leland McCauley's Workforce.

Next time we see Garth is during this weirdo Planet Hell arc, which takes place at this prison planet located inside a fucking sun. Which I'm pretty sure is the most unethical treatment of prisoners I have ever heard of, but whatever. Garth's there with the Workforce, and WHADDAYAKNOW the Legion is also there. The whole plot is really confusing, but apparently the little prison planet is moving too close to the inside of the sun or whatever but Brainiac 5 (another Legionnaire) has to figure out how to save them all. Again. ANYWAY, Garth spends the majority of the arc being held prisoner because he's useful like that. He's trapped in a cell with his sister, Ayla, and they fight because Garth is a dick to her. For... no real reason, really. He just is. He's also sore becuase OH YEAH, she replaced him in the Legion. When the whole mess is cleared up and everyone is out of imminent danger, Garth tries to say hi to his BFF Cosmic Boy, who basically rubs Legion Membership in his face and then dangles it above his nose. Because Cos is a dick.

After that, we see Garth again when he's talking to Cos, who is once again, rubbing Legion membership in his face by showing off the nifty, handy-dandy FLIGHT RINGS that Lyle designed for everyone in the legion. Once again, Garth feels bad and Cos displays how much of a dick he is.


Okay, so there are four new members, three of which are girls. The only guy is this weird bird-caterpillar thing named Gates who is practically a communist and teleports all over the place. There's this one girl who can shrink, which means she gets the name Shrinking Violet. There's also this chick named Kinetix, who can change any substance into anything. It's hard to explain.The last member is this chick from this planet called Daxam, which is apparently full of amazing super-strong, Superman-level people. The chick's nicknamed Andromeda for who knows what reason, and beats all sorts of ass but she is quite clearly a racist/xenophobe.

And apparently, so is everyone else on her planet. Or at least, a good majority. Because all of a sudden this nazi-like, xenophobic group shows up. To imagine what they're like, let's put the Nazis and the KKK in a blender and toss in a really crappy name. When it's done, you'll get this group of assholes named White Triangle who do a bunch of anti-alien integration acts. Like almost beating one of the Triads to death. And killing random alien couples. They literally fly around a city and kill people for shits and giggles. And they're super-strong to boot. And to make matters worse, Andromeda seems to have ties to them. So yeah, the Legion believes her to be a traitor.

MEANWHILE, this evil Durlan (Durlans come from the planet Durla and are all shapeshifters. It's Chameleon's home world) named Composite Man shows up and beats the Legion's ass. After getting repeatedly beaten by the crazy shapeshifter, Imra/Saturn Girl decides to shut his brain down/incapacitate him through the mind. Which means she has to travel into and walk through a crazy person's head. Well, turns out the mind-meld is successful, since it stops Composite Man. Only problem is that Imra's mind has pretty much reverted back into that of a 3 year-old's as a result of the mind-meld.

And that's where Garth shows up again. He's quit the Workforce now, finally realizing that his boss, McCauley, is a jerk. So he's back at R.J. Brande's doorstep, asking him if he can borrow a spare spaceship so he can go and find Mekt. BECAUSE HE'S STILL LOOKING. It's like a hobby or something. Anyway, Brande basically briefs him on the situation and then tells him to go visit Imra in the hospital because she's been asking for him. Garth goes, but ends up not really entering her room. He just stands in the doorway like a creeper and watches her throw a temper tantrum. Then he leaves to go save his sister, Ayla, from a White Triangle thug. They fight some more, and Garth ends up bumming a room at the Legion HQ for a bit.

MEANWHILE those White Triangle bastards destroy this awesome planet named Trom. Luckily, R.J. Brande was there and managed to save one of the Trom kids, who later becomes the Legionnaire Element Lad. BUT NOT YET. Because first, the White Triangle assholes have to reveal their BIG. EVIL. PLAN. Which was basically to attack Earth. Caught up in the crisis, Cosmic Boy made the mistake of NOT being a dick to Garth and granted him temporary Legion membership and a Legion flight ring. He then sent the ecstatic Garth to go bring Imra/Saturn Girl to her senses and help save the day. Garth did manage to bring Imra back in what is probably the cutest scene ever and the three went to go man it out until Brainy and ELEMENT LAD! came to save the day. Which they did. Of course, two other Legionnaires died during the big Earth attack. Apparition died and Andromeda SUPPOSEDLY died (but not really). At their memorial service, Garth had to watch as Cosmic Boy and Imra posed together and got complimented on what a cute couple they made. Oh yeah, and after that, Cosmic Boy kicked him out of the Legion again, because the United Planets president told him to. When Saturn Girl tried to fight for Garth to stay, Cos blasted her, which set Garth off and the two boys fought. It ended with Garth once again leaving the Legion and no one liking Cosmic Boy anymore because... he's a dick.

Luckily, at this point Garth had finally grown up and stopped being a jerk to Ayla, so that's good. After saying goodbye to her, he goes off once more to look for Mekt.

WHO HE FINALLY FINDS. Except first he gets mistaken for him at a bar and gets taken in, interrogated, and gets shown images of what his asshole brother did to people (he electrocutes them to death). So he's put back in this prison cell, sitting and moping and shit. Then Mr. Nice Police Officer comes in and tells Sparky that he knows he's not Mekt, and that Mekt doesn't deserve a good brother.

And then Mekt pulls a Kool-Aid man, tears down the cell wall, electrocutes Mr. Nice Police Man and shoves Garth into his Mektmobile, which is a spaceship.

MEANWHILE eventually Ayla finds out about Garth's situation, and figures he's in trouble because he's naive and dumb. So she goes out to try and save him.

BACK IN THE MEKTMOBILE the two brothers have a cool chat together ("WHY ARE YOU EVIL MEKT"), then land on Korbal, which is where the lightning beasts are. It's there that Garth finds out that OHNOES MEKT HAS BECOME SO POWERFUL BECAUSE HE IS KILLING TEH LIGHTNING BEASTS AND TAKING THEIR LIGHTNING. And then Garth finds out that Mekt wants to be the only dude with lightning powers and that's why he saved Garth. To kill him and absorb his powers. Oh. And Ayla's.

Yeah, the Ayla thing is what pisses Garth off. CUE DRAMATIC LIGHTNING FIGHT.  Which Ayla flies in and interrupts. Which makes the situation worse. She gets electrocuted by Mekt and falls out of the sky. Garth flips out, unleashes all his energy while Mekt releases all of his. CUE ANOTHER DRAMATIC LIGHTNING FIGHT.  Which ends when Mekt finally blasts Garth away. BUT THEN IT'S AYLA'S TURN TO ATTACK MEKT. When Garth recovers, both he and Ayla fight Mekt with a RARATEAMWORK mentality and then...Garth gets his arm blasted off. Which is kind of. You know. SHOCKING. Ohoho, bad pun. Ayla's pissed off even more now, blasts Mekt into some rock and buys her and Garth some time. She hugs Garth, trying to soothe him while the lightning-blood basically cauterizes his stump-arm. At that point, Mekt is up and ready to kill again. He and Ayla fight, but the fight is clearly in Mekt's favor. That is, until Garth grabs Ayla's hand and they do a queer-but-also-awesome power-team-up thing. They manage to unleash this really powerful blast of lightning that both stuns Mekt and turns his hair from red, to white. Which is really stupid, but whatever. The two twins are then rescued by the Science Police, who had trailed Mekt and Garth after the prison break. Garth is last seen lying on a stretcher, holding hands with Ayla. And that's the point I'm taking him from.


To understand Garth's personality, it might be good to understand Garth's family situation. As explained in the above section, Garth has two other siblings: Mekt being the older brother, and Ayla being Garth's twin sister. Garth's relationship with Ayla is probably the most important when understanding his personality, mostly because of the feelings and behaviors his sibling rivalry has caused.

The most noticable trait of Garth's is his impulsiveness. He lives by the rule of 'act now, think later', and as a result is always one of the first legionnaire's to run into battle, and is normally one of the first ones to get hurt. Of course, his impulsiveness is not just limited to the battlefield, it shows up in his personality as well. He doesn't really think before he says anything and can act like an asshole to others because of that. He also tends to judge others right away, instead of waiting until he gets to know them to form an opinion. Fortunately, he's open to getting to know them better and changing his judgement of them when you know... he actually knows who they are.

When it comes to romance, Garth is extremely insecure, which is typical 14 year-old boy behavior. This insecurity mainly comes from the relationship that Garth, Cosmic Boy, and Saturn Girl/Imra have. First of all, I should clarify that this is not how Garth acts in every romantic relationship, but his only one. After seeing Saturn Girl for the first time, Garth became completely dedicated to her, and she's basically the only woman he'll ever love. He's crazy about her, thinks of no other girl (romantically) but her, and would do anything to make her happy. Even if that means letting his best friend Cosmic Boy have her, which is basically what Garth does throughout the comic. He's constantly afraid to confess to her, and basically just backs off and watches as Cos gets that close relationship that he yearns for. This is because Cosmic Boy is basically perfect in everyway-shape-and-form (in Garthvision), and Livewire/Garth... isn't (in Garthvision).

This perspective of Cosmic Boy leads to a lot of self-doubt on Garth's part, and a lot more 'standing-back-and-letting-others-do-things-because-I'm-not-good-enough-to-do-it' mentality. Despite being impulsive and stubborn, Garth is actually almost completely submissive when it comes to orders from people he respects and/or admires. Good examples of this are when he was forced by Imra to contest Cosmic Boy kicking him out (for the second time...) and when he obeyed Mekt's orders to follow him out of prison.

Of course, with Mekt, it was mostly his brotherly admiration, which canon never really........ explains because it doesn't really seem like there's much to admire about the guy. NEVERTHELESS, Garth did (until he threatened Ayla and blew Garth's arm off). In fact, he admired Mekt so much that he convinced himself that DESPITE THE OVERWHELMING AMOUNT OF EVIDENCE THAT MEKT WAS AN EVIL MOFO it wasn't really Mekt that was evil, it was just the crazy amount of lightning-power in his body that was... corrupting his mind and making him evil. Which really makes no sense, but Garth's 14 and naive. Either way, this theory of his not only led to his arm getting blown off, but also led to Garth's biggest fear: his own power. He was deathly afraid of his power and the sheer amount of it, and was often scared that a) he would turn kukucrazymadasfuck as Mekt and b) that it would consume his mind and control him, or worse, Ayla.

WHICH BRINGS UP MY LAST POINT: Garth is more loyal and protective than a dog. If you are his friend, if you are his family, if you are Imra, or if you're in the Legion, Garth will protect you, stand up for you, get cancer for you, lose limbs for you, etc. He'll do anything for anyone he cares about, or anyone he feels responsible for. Which is... kind of everyone. At least a little. He beats himself up when bad things happen to his teammates and he didn't/wasn't able to do anything to stop it. He lost an arm to protect Ayla. He would gladly give his life ten times over for Imra. This boy is as loyal as anyone could ever be.


All of Garth's City-powers will be powers that he has in canon, one being his lightning powers, the other being the artificial-turned-natural power of flight that he has due to the Legion Flight Ring. His third power will be enhanced durability, which is part of his alien physiology in canon (NEVER MENTIONED, but hey, he holds lightning in his body).

Garth's lightning power is never really fully explained in canon, but it's basically summed up as lightning powers. Garth has the ability to generate lightning inside his body and then release it in the form of concentrated 'lightning bolts' at his targets. His lightning powers also allow him to absorb electrical currents and "feed" his power (so to speak). He is also invulnerable to any and all electric currents. He is truly ~*one with the lightning*~. There is a limitation to this, however! Since Mekt Ka-blooied his right arm off, Garth will need a new artificial arm. Unfortunately (and this is canon), that arm will not be able to withstand the lightning current that... apparently runs through his body, and will blow up dramatically if he tries to use it. DOESN'T SEEM LIKE MUCH OF A LIMITATION, I KNOW, but his powers were much stronger in his right arm, and he was much more accurate with his right. With his left, he's a bit less powerful and noticeably less accurate.

The ability to fly will also be self-generated because the City is magic. I am well aware his Legion Flight Ring will be useless here, but I like that he can fly, so that power's going to be self-generated, just like the lightning. He will still keep the ring on his finger, even if it is useless, because that shows that he's part of the Legion and that means something important to him. Yay, run-on sentences.

Lastly, his enhanced durability will make up for what I assume to be his alien physiology in canon, since despite having lightning as blood, he never once got charred to a crisp. So that must mean he's pretty durable. The enhanced durability will not make him invulnerable, except for electricity, which he has a resistance to because of his powers.


[Garth's voice sounds agitated. Very, very agitated.]

I hate Earthtech. Especially old Earthtech. It's like a guy can't even make a meal here without shorting something out or something catching on fire. I mean... it's not that I don't know how to work a stove or anything, because I do. At least, I'm pretty sure I do. There's nothing to it, right? All you have to do is turn the dials and stuff. Easy.

It's these microwaves that are hard. Normally I wouldn't even use it but I got these... "frozen dinners" and when I tried to zap them with my lightning they just got burned. So I got a new one and put it in the microwave and I don't know if it reacted to my powers or what but something happened and it started to smoke. Which... I'm pretty sure isn't supposed to happen, even with old technology. Anyways, I threw some water on it so I think that stopped any chance of a fire happening.

But I'm still hungry, and since I don't have any money I was wondering if someone'd like to do me a favor and buy a guy some dinner... [He trails away as something else grabs his attention. That something being his microwave shooting sparks in the background. You might be able to hear it, along with some Interlac-cursing before Garth grabs the comm again. He sounds even more frustrated than before.]

Okay, scrap the dinner plans. Who wants to watch me blow this thing up? Sprockin earthtech.


The twenty-first century looked nothing like the history feeds showed. Not that Garth had ever paid much attention to history as he was too busy thinking of more important things. Or things that seemed more important at the time. Things like Mekt, and finding him and making time to find him, which of course meant that he had to drop out of school. Run away. Spend days, weeks, months searching for his elusive sibling. It seemed like a waste, now that he looked back. He should have stayed home. Should have kept going to school. Maybe then he'd know a thing or two about this place.

They called it the City, though it seemed more like a town. Or perhaps it felt like one. Garth wasn't sure. All he knew was that it felt tighter here. Smaller. As if the buildings were weaving together and forming a cage around him, trapping him in with everyone else.

Once, Garth made the mistake of going for a walk. He had hoped that traveling by foot would help him understand the layout of the City. It's something Cos would have done; something a leader would do. Not that there was anyone to lead here. There wasn't a Legion in the City, no Imra, no Ayla. Not even Cos. Once more he was alone, which was the real reason why he had decided to walk the streets. He wanted to be part of a crowd again, and the streets provided that opportunity.

It was a less than pleasant experience.

In the excitement of coming to the City, and therefore arriving in the past, Garth had momentarily forgotten about his arm, or his lack thereof. He was aware of it but was more concerned with figuring out where he was to remember that it was uncommon for fourteen year-olds to walk around with what appeared to be an amputated right arm. Needless to say, his walk through the condensed streets quickly reminded him. Everyone on the sidewalk reacted to it, though their reactions were varied. Some people would move aside for him, whether it was out of politeness or caution Garth couldn't tell. Other people would simply widen their eyes or gasp and then quickly turn their head away. But most of the time, they would just look. Garth could feel their eyes on him and tried to best to ignore it. He walked with his head down, doing his best to hide the stump from view. Still, they watched him.

It wasn't long before Garth ran away from the streets, seeking refuge in an deserted alleyway. He leaned against a wall and tipped his head up. His breath was coming to him in short gasps and he took a few minutes to calm himself before closing his eyes. Absently, he held his right shoulder, slowly moving his hand down to feel the cauterized stump. His hand lingered there as he tried to swallow down a wave of self-pity and loneliness. His effort proved useless and the feelings washed over him and thoughts echoed in his head. Thoughts about Ayla and Mekt, Imra and Rokk, about everyone in the Legion. About how he was alone now and how he was afraid of that and how being scared made him weak, worthless, pathetic--

All of a sudden the voices stopped. In the back of his mind, Garth felt a dull pain growing sharper and sharper as each moment passed. Slowly, the thoughts subsided and he opened his eyes. His head was still tipped up, and the first thing he saw was the sky. A thin strip of clear blue sky caught between two grey buildings. Garth stared at it for a minute as if surprised to see it there. He raised his hand to shield his eyes from the brightness of it when suddenly the light hit a gold ring on his finger. He blinked dumbly for a minute, realizing what it was. What it stood for. He smiled, curling his hand into a fist.

The Legion ring was still on his finger, serving as a welcome reminder that he was not alone. As long as he wore that ring, he would never be alone. His smile widened and he looked towards the street again. He stepped towards it, brimming with confidence as he walked into the open once again. People still looked at him, but this time he didn't care. This time, they were looking at a Legionnaire.

Garth's going to come into the City with no arm. If that's alright.


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