Snowflake Challenge - Day 15

Jan 15, 2013 20:56

And day 15 of the
snowflake_challenge :)

In your own space, share a favorite memory about fandom: the first time you got into fandom, the last time a fanwork touched your heart, crazy times with fellow fans (whether on-line or off-line), a lovely comment you’ve received or have left for someone. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it. Include a link to your post if you feel comfortable doing so.

Lord of the Rings. Goodness me. It's been quite a number of years since I first really discovered the internet, and that slash fiction wasn't based on horror movies, and that yes, I can write fic if I feel like it.

I must admit, discovering slash all those years ago (2001 if memory serves) was a real eye opener lol I was curious and bored as I was waiting for school to start up again, so I googled this strange term that I'd read on a forum and was hooked from the get go!

It was everything I didn't imagine it to be and I loved it!

During that time I met some great friends online that I am still in contact with today, and have even met most of them in person. I consider them to be like family and it's so nice to revisit Middle Earth with The Hobbit now. It's been a long time since I've seen the fandom so active, and it really does make me smile.

It was my very first fandom. And will probably be with me forever ♥

This entry was originally posted at Please comment at the site of your choice.

online: snowflake challenge

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