Snowflake Challenge - Day 2

Jan 02, 2013 20:56

I won't be doing day 1, since I haven't written or done anything for a million years, but here are some recs for day 2.

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

Now. I know these three things don't really belong to small fandoms, but they aren't exactly recent - and they were the first things that came to mind, so here they are :)

Fic: Jon's Bookstore (A Few of My Favorite Things) by foxxcub
Bandom, Jon/Spencer, Frank/Gerard, Ryan/Brendon, Pete/Patrick | 11,300 words | R
A funeral is really the wrong place to learn you've inherited a business.

Fic: The District, Outtake 1: The Au Pair by dorkorific
Football (rare pair), Xabi Alonso/Mats Hummels, Steven Gerrard, it's not rated but I'd go with NC17
Political AU; Xabi meets the guy taking care of Stevie's kids.

Art: A walk in the park by loobeeinthesky
X Men - First Class, Charles/Erik, G
...another road trip picture of the guys, i'm a bit fond of wondering what they did when looking for fellow mutants.

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online: snowflake challenge, fandom: recs

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