Jan 18, 2005 15:38
(I still don't know how or why I came up with that nickname, btw)
--Name: Michael Anthony Eaton Jr. (If you want the whole spiel)
--Birthdate: 11-1-85
--Birthplace: I'm assuming the Medical Center, so Beaver, PA
--Current Location: Greensburg, PA
--Hair: Dark brown
--Height: 5' 7" maybe? I don't check.
--Righty or Lefty: righty
--Sign: Scorpio
--The shoes you wore today: Tennis shoes
--Your weakness: The inability to say/admit certain things (Except to Beth? What? WHAT MYSTICAL POWERS DO YOU HAVE?!)
--Your fears: I've gone over this several times. Check previous entries.
--Your perfect pizza: Stuffed Crust something.
--Goal you'd like to achieve: Get paid to publish something.
--Your most overused phrase on AIM or Yahoo: :-\ (lol) (I just said lol in a post :-\)
--Thoughts first waking up: Do I have class and, if so, am I late? Did I forget to set my alarm? I hope I'm not late . . .
--Your best physical feature: . . . I couldn't even begin to attempt to find one.
--Your bedtime: Er, next question?
--Your most missed memory: Most of Prom (I was so hopped up on caffeine that I think I've forgotten a lot of it :-\)
--Pepsi or Coke: Speaking ONLY of the two basic versions, Coke (But Wild Cherry Pepsi FOREVER!)
--McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King. McDonald's = loathing
--Adidas or Nike: Reebok?
--Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nestea
--Chocolate or vanilla: Strawberry?
--Cappuccino or coffee: These days, coffee.
--Cuss: More often than I even want to :-\
--Sing: "I just gotta be MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
--Take a shower everyday: I take baths. But um, even then, not every day.
--Have a crush(es): I am currently spoken for, thank you.
--Do you think you've been in love: I don't think, Child. I know.
--Do you want to go to college: Do I still? I guess.
--Want to get married: If the right person presents herself, and I realize it? I ought to.
--Believe in yourself: If I didn't, I'd have a hell of a time being a writer, eh?
--Get motion sickness: On occasion
--Think you're attractive: Well, I don't think I'm hideous, but I wouldn't imagine that people are very about me.
--Think you're a health freak: I'm just trying to avoid the complications of being Italian and liking cheese. To that extent, I try not to eat some unnecessary things.
--Like thunderstorms: If wind is involved, NO.
--Play an instrument: I can't even play air guitar :-\
LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...
--Smoked: No
--Done a drug: No
--Gone to the mall?: Duh
--Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Eh? No?
--Eaten sushi?: I wish
--Been on stage: No
--Gone skating: No
--Made homemade cookies: No
--Gone skinny dipping: I can't swim anyway, but NO
--Dyed your hair: No
--Stolen anything: No
--Played a game that required removal of clothing: You have to take off your shoes to play Twister
--Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Not to the point of vomiting, but enough to not feel entirely at ease
--Been called a tease: Uh-huh. Constantly. It was my nickname for years. I'm such a bitch.
--Gotten beaten up: Surprisingly no!
--Shoplifted: I don't think so.
--Age you hope to be married: Whenever?
--Numbers and Names of Children: wtf? Whatever happens!
--How do you want to die: Old
--Where you want to go to college: A writing college with a full scholarship :-\
--What do you want to be when you grow up: El Author
--What country would you most like to visit: England. Where there's civilization.
LAYER NINE: In a girl...
--Best eye color?: emerald or deep blue
--Best hair color?: red -- not orange, but red. And not fake red, but like "Sweet God, I'm Irish" red.
--Short or long hair: Medium? Shoulder?
--Best weight: wtf?
--Best articles of clothing: wtf again?
--Best first kiss location: could be anywhere if you're with the right person (couldn't agree more)
--Number of people I could trust with my life: Like, three? Is that being generous? Post if you think you qualify. I'm thinking three.
--Number of CDs that I own: Upwards of 60
--Number of tattoos: BLAH
--Number of times my picture has appeared in the newspaper: Three? Two?
--Number of scars on my body: Um . . . I still don't know if those things on my knees are scars. so like, between 0 and 10?
--Number of things in my past that I regret: regret... nothing... everything i've done has taught me a lesson that has shaped me into the person I am today. Without them I just wouldn't be me! (Again, I think you hit it Stace)