blowing off steam!

Oct 08, 2008 15:15

some things really bug me! allow me to explain. i have been a christian now since 1993. i have not read the bible cover to cover but, i have read quite a bit to know what God is saying. nowhere in the bible, old or new testament does it say "if you love me send this e-mail"!! i am so tired of people who claim to be born again trying to make me feel guilty if i don't send an e-mail to someone about how much God loves them!! give me a break! if this is what you think Gods love is limited to then you need to pray really really hard! i don't need an e-mail to know God loves me i just need to hit my knees to the floor & talk to God like i talk to my dad. relationship w/ God is personal one on one conversation. has this world gotten so technical that we no longer need flesh & blood or spiritual relationship with people or God? God is not limited to a computer! he is all around you & all you have to do is look around & see the beauty he has created! look at a mountain, thats God! listen to a baby laugh, thats God! say a prayer to him & know his holy spirit is with you, that my God. he is not in a computer, he is at your door the door & let him in.
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