This place rocks

Apr 09, 2010 00:19

This place is unreal. When Nick handed me the brochure and suggested I go for a vacation, I was positive he was pulling my leg. Shame he wouldn't come with. I think he needs a vacation more than I do. This place is so far out there it might as well be a movie. I keep expecting to snap out of it and find out someone slipped absinthe in my coffee. Ok, that person definitely had green skin, am I the only one seeing this?

I wonder what sort of qualifications you would need to be Forensics here.I should probably make sure I can still get pages from the lab here. Maybe I'll call Stokes to check in.

Think I'll get a bite to eat while I wait for hallucinations to stop. Then I should probably find somewhere to stay the night. Is there a cheap hotel around here? Blew most of my paycheck getting here.

Does this place import Blue Hawaiian coffee?

blue hawaiian, -first post

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