DISCLAIMER: All belongs to Damien Kindler and Stage 3 Media and Ms. Tapping and all the usual suspects who aren't me. Just borrowing these beautiful people. Thanks for the favor.:)
TITLE: Sans Défense
RATING: Mature (basically for one bad word:))
CATEGORIES: Hurt/comfort, Helen/James friendship (maybe UST), Implied Helen/John
Many thanks to Teddy E for the speedy beta, and
audrich for the industrious research.:)
madly_love said: "I want a Helen/James fanfic (friendship) in which Helen is pregnant with Ashley and James helps her or something like that :)"
Here you go, my dear, hope it pleases.:)
Rowan Darkstar
Copyright (c) 2010
"The job isn't the hard part. The challenge is maintaining her façade of control. Because it's been slipping for days.")