How do yall losers like my new layout? Its my shit. Its like cool as all. On my Xanga, Apiffany called me a loser, lol shes the loser :). Today I got up at like 12, got on here, noones on.. went out side skated, came in, chilled, someone gets on, i talk to them.. um text Adam to see what hes doing, hes going to his g-mas, he says tommorow we shall hangith. I'm watching Stevens untilted rock show, some gay bands on it. I'm pretty bored so yeah, haha this dudes talking about " penis " on the show. WOO!!! Silverstein- smashed into peices, Silverstein rocks hardcore!! yeah but i do believe i will get me somthing to eat here momentairly.. hmm I have flip channels and Greenday is on, Greenday sucks. They know about 4 guitar cords so yeah.. well im done for now. later.