Jun 22, 2006 13:41
Boys State is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I have met so many different people and so many friendships I will take from this program. I am County Freeholder for the great county of NIMITZ. It's named after a great military leader, Charles Nimitz. My city is Monroe, named after President Monroe. We all just click, except one person. I don't like the mayor of the town, Kevin he's a bitch. We have many different amazing people who are amazing in their own way. ALJBS is an amazing program for anyone who is going to do to go, you will have an amazing experience. Of course, though it is the best of new jersey here so you have to find a way to outsmart them. Only downpart is the heat and the long and tiring days/nights. im running on 3 hours of sleep due to the fact that I am county freeholder and must do the county manual. well i'll update more about it another time.