Jul 17, 2005 15:12
I was born into a multi-cultural society and I embrace it, I'll do anything to protect it, only way we can defeat terrorism, is when we don't argue and blame each other, but when we stand united against the evil that consumes the persons mind. Should we seek revenge? I say we never should seek revenge against terrorists, it causes a cycle of hate and murder, makes us worse as people, only way to combat terrorism is to stand up and say that we forgive, all this is inspired from hearing a Budhist monk the other day and it makes perfect sense, in the idea that hate causes hate, violence causes violence, what causes terrorism- struggle, pain, loss, revenge, everything our leaders do is what Bin Laden and others do, they are from the same net, but they are also from the same race, the human race.
What divides us, nothing, we're all different, yes, but we're so alike, we think differently, but we're all the same,we're all people, we're humans, we all do hurt and harm to others, sometimes against our will, sometimes, without realising and sometimes as a last resort, I feel sorry for those who lost their lives in the London Bombings, but I feel evem more sorry for those four killers, why? cos I'm sorry that they were driven to it, that it should never of happened, but it did, and we can't ignore the attacks the right are making, that there is now a media campaign of fear and Islamaphobia, they are attacking multi-cultural society and immigration for what happened in London, but we forget that we drop bombs on civillians across the world, or that we buy goods and products made by sweatshop workers, we cause so much pain and suffering, yet we're selfish bastards, we don't even care bout those overseas, London happened on our doorstep and we react the way we're reacting, forgetting bout 50,000 dying each day in Africa, we forget bout the failiure of the G8 and Make Poverty History, we must never forget, we must go from strength to strength to combat fear, pain, suffering, terrorism and poverty- poverty a cause of terrorism.
Protect multi-cultural society, protect rights, freedoms and liberties, we must not be oppressed, we must break the chains we have locked around us, too much, too much, too fucking much.
Peace and Solidarity to all