Jul 31, 2006 18:14
This is what bothers me. The United States is taking such a vehemently pro-Israel stance in this conflict in the Middle East. Not that that should be a surprise at all. It is in keeping with our foreign policy, I suppose. But it is so obviously not the stance that will bring a resolution anytime soon. The problem with international relations is that most of the time it just consists of countries watching their own backs. The problem with American politics is that most of the time it just consists of politicians watching out for themselves. Until nations/politicians stop being so self-serving and look at the "big picture" as it were, nothing will get done. At least, nothing compared to what is possible. I understand that obviously a nation's government has to look at what is best for ITS people first- rational self-interest and all of that. But does that mean we have to completely disregard the objective opinion? Isn't there some sort of balance that can be struck, so we don't have our President stand up and say what amounts to "I support the killing of innocent citizens and the bombing of cities and towns and I will not ask anyone to try to stop it"?
Because that is flipping depressing.