I bought it on a whim, and suddenly I see so much potential my mind could burst. Moxie is not only the official soft drink of Maine, but the official soft drink of an island called MeTopia (in addition, Frutopia is strictly forbidden).
Moxie facts as determined after finishing a 2-Liter bottle of the drink that endows the drinker with "spunk":
FACT - This drink prevents softening of the brain and loss of manhood.
TRUTH - It tastes like a Root Beer crossed with Lemons. Weird at first, but when the refreshment hits, and it's no longer revolting but endearing.
REALITY - The strange and invigorating flavor coupled with an outdated label design makes one feel European while enjoying it.
I imagine that Moxie, with it limited sales, exotic flavor, and authentically retro label, could very easily become the PBR of Soda for Hipsters everywhere. I disgust myself with the implication, but seriously, the extreme degree of exoticized authenticity in this soda is like a oil well waiting to be tapped. I declare myself leader of the Moxie street team.
For more Moxie fun, read it's lengthy
Wiki-pedia article (Oldest Soda in America, Beloved by President Coolidge!) or visit
The Online Moxie Museum. Then go buy a case of this stuff. It's invigorating and smug inducing.