Every gaming forum I visit has the same things to say about
Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4. "Itachi pwnz j00!" "ph33r my Neji!" "Gaara! Sabaku Kyuu! Sabaku Sousou!" "Kimimaru w1ll d3str0y j00!" "OTK Naruto r0ckz!"
It gets so old after hearing it for the nth time. Enter Hyuuga Hinata. Not the fastest character in the game, and one of the weakest in terms of damage-per-strike. I don't care either way, no other character suits my playing style like Hinata does.
Sure, Hyuuga Neji's combos are lengthier, do more damage, drain more chakra, etc. Catch is, he and most of the rest of the cast are just too linear in their attacks for me... Uncomfortable enough that I wont be devoting serious practice time toward mastering them. Hinata, however... makes it easy for me. With a light hand on the controller, she'll dance around even the highest level CPU opponents, chipping away at their health/chakra until they're dead, or I catch them with Hinata's counter-Supermove. Its no cakewalk for sure, and the slightest mis-timed move'll screw it all up, but still...
Heh, I can't wait to go versus some live opponents.