Man, talk about a killer headache...

Mar 31, 2009 19:32

So, anyone wanna tell me why I woke up unable to remember like... anything? Not to mention, a headache the size of a hippogriff ( Read more... )

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chainedlotus March 31 2009, 23:43:34 UTC
Here's some supporting words for you;

You're still better off then me in terms of class. you really not remember anything after the break? Cuse that ended months ago.


waterwand March 31 2009, 23:51:51 UTC
Dude, that's because you never go to class. If you actually went, you'd totally be way ahead of me.

... Yeah, not a thing. Every time I try and recall everything that happened in that span of time, my head just hurts more.


chainedlotus March 31 2009, 23:59:30 UTC
Hey, I went to class for a day this week and if you can't remember anything, you're more than welcome to borrow my notes from Wizard Law.

Okay. So here's what's been've been an idiot. Nothing new but, couldn't hurt to remind you.


waterwand April 1 2009, 00:05:27 UTC
Thanks but totally not taking that class, I'd fall asleep right there in the front of the room. Though I gotta ask, how's that Gavin guy as a Professor? He seems... interesting.

Hey! Just telling me I've been an idiot doesn't tell me what I've done to be an idiot! I think I have a right to know!


chainedlotus April 1 2009, 00:15:47 UTC
Which is why I sit behind Chad. Guy's like twice my size. Gavin? He's new and I don't take that class so I don't really know.

//Private to Demyx//

Well if we're going back to when the break ended....You told me you slept with Axel. I in turn told you to tell Fisheye or I'd punch you in the face. You did and through the magic that is purely your dumb luck, you got back on Fish's good side and have been dating him ever since.

After that I don't even want to know what you've been doing.


waterwand April 1 2009, 00:41:29 UTC
Man, what a good idea for boring classes. Only, you know... I actually want to pass my N.E.W.T.s this year.


Dude... are you serious? I must be damn good looking to get that lucky!


chainedlotus April 1 2009, 01:32:55 UTC
Yeah. I don't know why I'm there. Byakuya pretty much told me I'm gonna fail.


Have I ever lied to you, a fellow musician?


waterwand April 2 2009, 01:43:14 UTC
Byakuya? He teaches...? I forget.


I thought that's what musicians did best? You know, other than the whole sex, drugs and rock and roll thing.


chainedlotus April 2 2009, 01:49:14 UTC
Byakuya teaches Government. Similar to Law but I get detention when showing up.


Only to women, not to their own kin.

No drugs for you.


waterwand April 2 2009, 01:55:20 UTC
Another one? Man, what's with all these boring new classes?


Oh, right. Being gay and all, I tend to forget that rule.

Wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole. Standing in your cloud of smoke is bad enough.


chainedlotus April 2 2009, 02:14:58 UTC
They are boring people. Enough said.


Well, considering that at this point in time, you've forgotten a lot of things, I'll let that one slide.

I know I know, but it could be a whole lot worst then just cigarettes.


Private waterwand April 2 2009, 02:32:46 UTC
Gee, thanks a lot, Ren.

Well, yeah. Doesn't mean it's something I'd to. You look more like the kind of rock star to get in to that kind of stuff, anyways~ I don't even like to drink that much, you know. Water's the way to go.


Private chainedlotus April 2 2009, 02:45:10 UTC
You know I say these things out of love.

I look like Sid Vicious and he died of a heroin overdose so, yeah, I guess I do look like the kind of rockstar who'd be into that stuff.

It's funny that you don't drink considering Fish was whining to me a few days ago about a killer hangover.


Re: Private waterwand April 2 2009, 02:58:23 UTC
Uh huh.

Yup. Though, you better watch out. That kind of stuff is totally not good for your body.

Hey, I never said I don't drink. I just said I don't drink much. You know, considering what kind of trouble it got me in the last time and all.


Private chainedlotus April 2 2009, 03:12:57 UTC
((OOC: strikes erased!))

Tell me about it Don't worry, I know.

True. But you are a pretty funny drunk.


Re: Private waterwand April 2 2009, 03:15:42 UTC

Hey, how would you know!?


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