About 15 years ago I wrote a Stargate SG-1 novel and a sequel.
Then, I got Jossed and never got started on the third volume of the Trilogy. (the first two novels do complete some plot arcs, so you're not left dangling too badly on all fronts)
However, I did make a lot of notes for it, and I recently did the Stargate Alphabet Soup challenge in the hope that it would get me writing again, and it seems to be working, as I'm near the end of a brand new chapter.
What I need is encouragement as I have a whole novel to get through. And it's an old fandom, so I know I won't pick up many new readers.
Here's how you can help...
If anyone has the patience to read the first two volumes (they're relatively short by novel standards) and leaves a comment at the end, then I undertake to write a minimum of 200 words (and 500 if it's a really interesting comment) on the third volume for each comment. People who have read it before, still get to claim their words if they haven't previously left a comment.
It's Stargate SG-1, set around the end of season 5, at the time when the team consisted of Jack, Daniel, Sam and Teal'c. It's gen fic, though it does contain some relationships. My aim was to give all the team a strong role to play and to make good use of many minor characters from the series. It's also AU and will resolve many plot lines in a different way (and to my mind more aesthetically pleasing) than the route taken in the series.
The first volume is here -
https://archiveofourown.org/works/392002/chapters/643582 Jack O'Neill and Harry Maybourne have very different approaches to ethics. Jack believes in honour and honesty. Harry believes the ends justify the means.
When Jack's daughter from a parallel reality comes through the stargate, both Jack and Harry find that their past (canonical) decisions have unforeseen consequences. What price are they willing to pay to put things right again? Can they work together? How far can Maybourne be trusted?
Jack and Sam have many difficult decisions to face. Can they maintain the careful balance of their working relationship while juggling with their feelings for one another?
How will Cassandra cope with tragedy, guilt, and the strangest friendship of her life?
This novel starts 3/4 of the way through the fifth season, shortly before Meridian and takes its own course through history after the events of 'Last Stand'.
This entry was originally posted on
Dreamwidth where it has