Doctor Who and Robin Hood

Sep 08, 2014 21:10

 I don't think this consitutes spoilers...

I loved it to pieces and was laughing far  too much of the time.

Errol Flynn's incarnation of Robin Hood (with a slight touch of Dread Pirate Roberts), and a Sheriff of Nottingham that surely owed something to Alan Rickman.

Lots of great banter -and I loved the Doctor's horrified reaction to it.

And the dialogue and competition between the doctor and Robin!  Yay!

And the arrow...  Oh Lord, that archery competition.  I have no idea how it was supposed to have happened, but it was very, very funny.

As someone who is actually interested in the history of Robin Hood, I can tell you it wasn't historically accurate, but I DON'T CARE.  It was FUN!

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