I haven't posted about the allotment in a very long time. That's mostly because the tennis elbow meant that I was unable to do weeding, so Richard had to do most of the work this year.
Now, thankfully, I think (fingers crossed) that the tennis elbow has pretty much run its course. The arms still ache, but that's because I'm using muscles that I'd been carefully avoiding for a long time.
Been down the allotment together every day for the last six or seven days and we're starting to make inroads into a vast backlog of work. Still plenty to be done, but we've weeded round the beetroot and spinach, trimmed most of the grass, dug over the bed where the broad beans will go and cleared most of the weeds from the strawberry patch (as well as firming in a lot of poorly rooted strawberry plants and removing runners that weren't worth rooting).
If I can find the energy this afternoon, I'll cycle down the nursery and buy some broad bean seeds and onion sets. Also need to get some garlic.
The chard is cropping really well at present. It's on ground that was well manured last year, and the leaves are enormous and taste really good as well.
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