This has been a bad winter for asthma - I've had to take four short courses of steroids so far (which is far worse than my average one course per winter). Sometimes I can identify the trigger (eg. flu), sometimes, I can't. I had a bad attack on Boxing Day bank holiday which remains of unknown cause (I think the bath bombs I bought Entorien were part of it, but not the whole story as she was very sensible and restored them to their double layer of plastic bags as soon as she realised what I'd given her).
Today, I think I've had a narrow escape. As soon as I came downstairs I started wheezing. (I'd escaped the New Year fireworks by making sure all the windows were closed overnight). The flowers from Barclays were in the kitchen and were starting to open out.
My next door neighbour has just been presented with a large bunch of lilies and dahlias and is very happy with them!
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