There's a lovely row of bright orange squashes and longer, thinner, butternut squashes lining our windowsills. They're a splash of bright colour in the lounge, and being on the windowsill allows them to ripen. Ripening is good, as it hardens the rind and ensures they will keep for several months and we'll be eating some of them in the winter.
I love the flavour of squashes. They're so versatile in cooking as you can use them for all sorts of things. They add both colour and flavour to meals. They add a wonderful background texture to soups and stews, as well of having plenty of other uses.
This is far and away the best crop of squashes that we've ever had, and it's due to Richard's efforts in going down the allotment every morning during the drought and watering them.
Going down first thing in the morning has become a habit. as long as it isn't raining, we go down every day now and do half an hour's weeding before breakfast. It's a great way to start the day with some gentle exercise and to come back with a supply of fresh beetroot and French beans and sweetcorn.
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