I've just got to the end of Rhaegal's '
Evolution' and have to recommend it as an excellent story. (As long as you enjoy Kirk/Spock slash)
It's a novel length story, where each chapter is pretty much a self contained 'episode' but the episodes link together into a unified plot. (and some of the episodes are a nice tip of the hat to episodes in the original series)
And it's got science! Real science! I love it when scientists write fanfic. You can visualise the author watching the movie and jumping up and down shouting "No, that won't work!" (I know, because I do it myself when my areas of science are done wrong).
So, here's an astrophysicist writing fanfic and sorting out a proper explanation for the supernova in the new Trek movie - and getting a plot built around it.
It's also got a deeply satisfying Kirk/Spock relationship that is allowed to develop over time - and a good running joke about Kirk's shirt getting ripped all the time (shades of Galaxyquest!).
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