Allotment stuff

May 19, 2010 18:23

Hoed around broad beans, spinach, peas.  Watered same (the soil is powder dry, we haven't had any decent rain in ages).

finished weeding strawberries.  Watered strawberries.  (using dilute urine - I use it in rotation on different crops as I can only carry a couple of bottles down to the plot)

Memo to self.

Spinach, leek, pea and beetroot seedlings all grow faster ( as clearly shown by the bits that I did first) if you actually weed and water them....

Spinach also benefits from thinning.  So will the beetroot when I get around to it tomorrow...  (Perpetual spinach - aka 'spinach beet' - and beetroot have seeds that are sort of little clumps of seeds, so you tend to get several small plants coming up together. You need to remove the excess seedlings while they're still very small)

Picked purple sprouting broccoli and rhubarb for tea.


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