It's all in the details

Aug 26, 2008 17:27

Favourite Discworld moments in no particular order (these aren't the big happy moments, but the little things that really add to the flavour and make you smile):

Being given a wonderfully detailed Omnian tract by a Watch member.

Getting  a card for those who may be dead, depressed and suffering prejudice from the living.

Getting  a happiness charm from a witch.

Meaning to leave an offering at the shrine of the goddess Procrastina, but never quite getting around to it.

Playing 'Empirical Crescent' (I think the Seamstresses made the playing map) and watching the expression of total bemusement on the face of the guy who won on the third move (his first turn) as
sharikkamurand I congratulated him on his tactics and commented to each other on how we'd overlooked the totally obvious tactic that he'd made and thus double-bluffed the more experienced players.  (That's one of the joys of playing Mornington Crescent spinoffs, you should never, ever explain the rules to novice players - he hadn't a clue what he'd done to win!)

Wearing a sari for the first time at a convention and getting compliments on it.

Doing poi to ZHL strings and having to go faster and faster as they speeded up the music!

Getting a bit of massage from Tal that did wonders for the back I'd hurt when I got out of bed - and being calmly filmed by Charlie as I swore every time she found a really bad bit while I was attempting to explain the Maskerade rehersal to his camera.  (I'll be highly amused if that makes it into the final cut!)

discworld, conventions

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