Nov 17, 2005 12:16
Enough is fucking enough....
I want just one day....ONE DAY to go by where I don't hafta see someone from across the lunch room and just start to cry because I want to say hi and can't bring myself to, or because I want to give a hug but I fear that I won't let go.
I'm so sick of people being pissed of at me because they have been caught in a lie.
I'm sick of people treating people like they're worthless. I'm sick of people using people to get back at the person they're pissed at. Why can't people just see what they do to one another?
I'm sick of feeling.
I'm sick of people coming up to me, and assume that the only reason why I'm crying is because someone broke up with me.....I hate that people THINK they know what's going on, and they have no fucking clue.
I DON'T WANT YOUR GODDAMNED SYMPATHY OR PITY, especially when you are giving me sympathy over something that is NOT EVEN the reason why I am upset in the first place.
I'm sick of fucking immature little pissants.
Wanna know what Dane did today? First of all, he got caught in several lies in the last few days. And he's pissed....he's PISSED at everyone BUT himself because Dane does "no wrong" cuz he's sooooooo goddamned "perfect".
TAKE RESPONSIBILITY you stupid fuck. what does he do?
He comes over and gives Emilie a hug. Not the both of us, which he ALWAYS does....
And it's not even the hug part that I'm pissed far as I'm concerned, I don't want ANYONE (especially him) to even touch me cuz EVERYTHING I touch, turns to shit.
But he didn't even say hi or ANYTHING.
Not a fucking word.
And guaren-fucking-teed, he's not gonna talk to me in Public Speaking today.
You know what? I DON'T GIVE A FUCK! I don't fucking care anymore that people here are pissed at me....I don't care anymore that people here feel sorry for me when they only think that they know what's goin' on. I don't fucking care if people are pissed because they got caught in a lie and won't take the blame for themselves.
Walk the fuck away! Pretend you're the fucking victim!
Stop for one goddamned second and instead of acting like you're the that is so hurt because of something YOU DID TO YOURSELF....look around and see those who you hurt.
You KILLED a friendship with a wonderful guy by trying to be with 2 of his exes.
You USED so many lead them on, and now---now they are bitter and have no love for themselves because you treat them like WHORES....
You have no fucking respect for yourself, and you treat others in the same mannor.
You have no fucking heart.
Why the fuck are people so blind?
I just want to wake up in the morning and not have tears in my eyes.
I'd rather have NO EMOTIONS whatsoever, than to feel the way I feel now.